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Urban Economics (21:220:353)

This guide is designed for the Newark Urban Economics course.

Compare Salaries

JobStar has links to more than 300 general and industry-specific Salary Surveys so you can figure out how much you can expect to get paid. One example is the Salary Guide for Technology Professionals from Robert Half Technology.

You can also get a free basic report (customized reports are available for a fee) for many job categories in major metro areas with the following:

The State of New Jersey conducts an annual Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) Wage Survey. You can find information on employment, wages, and job prospects with the Occupation Explorer, by county or for New Jersey as a whole. For other states or metropolitan areas, consult the U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates.

Then, you can calculate how much you should be making if you move to another geographical location, by using Sperling's BestPlaces' Cost of Living Calculator.

For those considering jobs in other countries, use SalaryExpert's International Cost of Living Calculator and read the International Cost Of Living Guides from the Expat Forum (about 20 countries covered). You can also consult the U.S. State Department's Office of Allowances, which provides Per Diem Rates for major cities around the world. Then, there's the highlights of the annual Mercer's Cost of Living City Rankings to consider.

Salaries for Doctorate Recipients