Start with MarketLine for 30,000 company profiles, SWOT analyses, financial deals, and market share. (Rutgers-restricted access)
Mergent Online has information on public companies around the world, with historical background, up to 25 years of financials, details on debt and capital structure, Mergent's own equity research, and reports on insider and institutional owners. Includes a Supply Chain tab (formerly Mergent Horizon) covering over 6,000 actively traded U.S. public companies, providing a 360 degree view of a company's competitors, suppliers, partners, and corporate customers, using a detailed hierarchical classification system for actual products and services. It also features industry sector comparisons and analysis via the Industry Analysis tab at the top, industry reports via the Investext tab, and . (Rutgers-restricted Access)
Use Data Axle Reference Solutions (formerly ReferenceUSA) to find prospects and competitors by industry, location, and size. Includes a directory of over 14 million U.S. public and private companies. Displays of company listings include internal links to subsidiary and parent companies, where applicable, as well as lines of business, senior executives and their titles. (Rutgers-restricted access)
PrivCo is an excellent resource for business and financial research on non-publicly traded companies, including family-owned, private equity-owned, venture-backed, and international unlisted companies. The database currently includes profiles for over 900,000 companies, 20,000 private equity and venture capital firms and investors, and 100,000 private market deals. (Rutgers-restricted Access)
Use Company Investigator in Westlaw Campus Research to identify legal ultimate and immediate parent companies and view corporate family tree structures. (Rutgers-restricted Access)
The historical volumes of the Mergent/Moody's Manuals are now available online on Mergent Archives, with brief company and financial information going back to 1909 for some firms. (Rutgers-restricted Access)
Cheetah is a comprehensive database of documents related to taxation in the United States. (Rutgers-restricted Access)