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Using citation managers

Citation managers enable you to organize the citations you find by importing them from the University Libraries’ databases and the web and placing them in folders.  When you write your paper, you can use a plug-in in Word that has been provided by the citation manager to insert brief citations in the text of your paper and to prepare a bibliography in the format of APA, MLA, Vancouver, and individual journals.  As you enter the brief citation, the reference list begins to build automatically.

The following citation managers, with the exception of EndNote Desktop, are web based and include the Check for Full Text from LinkSource  button in the citation record.  Clicking on “Get it @ R"” will lead you to the article in full text/pdf.  All citation managers give you the opportunity to attach a pdf copy of the article as well as any other file you choose to the citation record.

As you begin to feel comfortable using more than one citation manager, you may import/export citations from one tool to another.

The citation managers each have a tool you may download into your browser toolbar that will enable you to create a citation for a website.  You can move it to an appropriate folder as part of the citation creation process.



With the financial support of the Rutgers-Newark Dean’s Offices, the University Libraries can offer the opportunity to import citations to RefWorks from all journal index databases, the Online Catalog, and the web.

RefWorks is currently undergoing extensive development so the producer makes two versions available, Legacy and RefWorks 3 (Flow).  If you select Flow, you can transfer Legacy folders for access.  Beyond this functionality, the two versions of RefWorks are not linked.  Many users find Legacy to be more user friendly and reliable.  It is scheduled to be phased out in fall 2018.

For more information about RefWorks and to connect directly, go to Services and Tools on the red bar at the top of the University Libraries’ home page.   RefWorks is listed under Tools in the column on the right.

Additional resources:

          Quick Guide

          Introductory tutorials

          Advanced tutorials

          RefWorks YouTube Channel

          LibGuide by Rutgers Librarians


EndNote Online

          EndNote is one of the options offered for exporting journal article citations from indexes and databases.  You may use EndNote Online exclusively and successfully manager your citations.  It is also possible to export citations from EndNote Online to a desktop copy of EndNote.  Any links to full text items in EndNote Online will be retained in the transfer to EndNote Desktop.

Additional resources:

          Quick Reference Guide

          EndNote Online tutorial    A comprehensive introduction on YouTube.  Use the transcript tab to see the contents and make a selection.

EndNote Desktop

          Produced by Clarivate Analytics, EndNote Desktop is considered to be the gold standard for citation in the sciences.  In addition to the functions shared by all citation managers, the current version of EndNote has an iPad application, journal abbreviation recognition and standardization and one click searching to find and attach fulltext.  The pdfs may be viewed, annotated, and highlighted within EndNote.  It is also possible to compress the citation list and attachments and send to a research partner.

          EndNote Desktop is available for download to current Rutgers students, faculty and staff.  You can find the link by going to Services and Tools on the red bar at the top of the University Libraries’ homepage.  Endnote is the first tool in the column on the right.  The page provides details on the downloading process and contact information for the Libraries’ EndNote specialists.

Additional resources:

          EndNote Users Guide

          EndNote: For Users

          EndNote Users Blog


 Please note that your account on EndNote Online can be sync-ed with your desktop version and vice versa.  This makes it imperative that you save your actions in Desktop by creating and saving a library.  If something happens to your files on either version, you can always call up your last library and suffer very little.





          Zotero is a free and easy to use Firefox extension that will help you manage citations.  It was developed as a joint project of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Institute of Museum and Library Services, and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. The Zotero website has a copy of the tool to download as well as comprehensive documentation.  Zotero is especially useful when you work with displays of multiple citations on one page.  The following guides will help you get started. 


         Quick Guide

         LibGuide from Rutgers Librarians

         Creating bibliographies

          Screencast Tutorials


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