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Intro to Comparative Politics

Have a question about the Catalog?

Need a book not at Dana?

If a book that you need is not available (not owned/checked out) at the Dana Library, but is available from another Rutgers Library, you can request delivery of that book to Dana by bringing up the record for the book in the Catalog, logging in with your NetID, and then clicking on the Request Pickup button.

Book not at Rutgers?

The fastest way to get a copy of a book that is not owned or not available (checked out/on Reserve/missing etc.) at the Rutgers Libraries is to request it through E-Z Borrow. E-Z Borrow books are normally received within about five working days.

If a book is not owned by the Rutgers Libraries and is not available via E-Z Borrow, you can place a request using either UBorrow or ILLiad.