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Honors Seminar II (705:241:01:H1)

designed to support School of Nursing honors students as they develop library research skills



Requesting books unavailable through RUL

Using E-Z Borrow

When the University Libraries doesn’t own a book title you want or when the copy owned by the Libraries is not available to you (checked out or missing), you may request a copy using E-Z Borrow,a resource sharing consortium which includes forty academic libraries in Pennsylvania and a few out of state libraries like Rutgers.  When the book you want is unavailable, the online catalog provides an E-Z Borrow button to the right of the item description.  You may also find a link on the home page.  Just click on Services and Tools, the second choice on the red bar.  Then select the first choice on the left, Borrow/Renew/Request.  After loggin in with your netID and password, you may search the catalog using the brief search which is provided or clicking on Advanced Search at the top of the screen.  When you identify the book you want and place a request, the item will arrive in less than a week for you to check out.  You will receive an email when the book is ready for you to check out at the Circulation Desk.  You may borrow the book for a period of six weeks with a six week renewal.  

Life Sciences Librarian

Profile Photo
Pam Hargwood

Health Information and Education Librarian

Pam Hargwood


Robert Wood Johnson Library of the Health Sciences

1 RWJ Place, PO Box 19
New Brunswick, NJ 08903




Health Sciences, Medicine, Nursing, Pharmaceutical Sciences