Ilya Genin illuminates modern day Cuba with photography and collage. This illustration is used courtesy of the author. Copyright Ilya Genin.
Lectures, Exhibits, Concerts
Caribbean and Pacific Dialogues by Fidalis Buehler and Juana Valdes
September 9 – December 6, 2015
Rutgers University Art Library
Sponsored by Rutgers University Center for Cultural Analysis in conjunction with Brigham Young University Humanities Center’s Archipelagoes, Oceans and Americas Research Group and the Rutgers University Libraries
Latino American Art Exhibit
September 13 – October 31, 2015
New Brunswick Free Public Library
Featuring award winning Dominican Artist Sigfrido Duarte, Guest Artists Ines M. Almeida (Colombia), German Perez (El Salvador), and Esperanza Galindo (El Salvador)
Revolvers and Pistolas, Vaqueros and Caballeros:
Debunking the Old West
Thursday, September 17, 7 pm
Barnes and Noble—Rutgers University, 126 College Avenue, New Brunswick
Book Discussion with Author Danilo Figueredo
Beyond Exile: Cubans in New Jersey Exhibit
Opening Reception Thursday, September 17, 2015 6:00 PM
Newark Public Library
Exhibit describing the Cuban American experience in Northern New Jersey
Newark Citizen Historian Initiative
Dates, Locations and Times to be Announced
8 Lectures
Newark Public Library, Newark History Society, Rutgers University-
Newark Dana Library
The History of Cuba in 12 Songs
La Historia de Cuba en 12 Cancione
Featuring Gema Corredera, Cuban Vocalist
Saturday, September 26, 2 pm
Newark Public Library, Centennial Hall
Ray Suarez, Author and Former PBS Commentator
Author of Latino-Americans: 500 Years of History
Thursday, October 22, 2015, 10 am – 12 noon
Rutgers University Libraries, Alexander Library, 4th Floor Lecture Hall
Dia De Los Muertos/Day of the Dead Celebration
Monday, October 19, 6 – 8 pm
New Brunswick Free Public Library Community Room
Discussion led by Dr. Regina Marchi, author of Day of the Dead in the USA: The Migration and Transformation of a Cultural Phenomenon
The Lost Child—Film Screening
Operation Pedro Pan exodus of 14,000 unaccompanied Cuban children to the U.S.
Saturday, November 17, 2015, 2:00 pm
Newark Public Library
Discussion with Filmmaker Gabriela Figueredo
Personal commentary from members of the Pedro Pan generation,
and discussion with one of the refugees brought to the U.S. under this program, Yvonne Massip Figueredo
Julia Alvarez, Author
Reading and Other Activities
March 3 – 4, 2016
Times and Locations to be announced
Photographs of the Cuban Revolution 50 Years Later
March 2016
Rutgers University Art Library
Ilya Genin Photographer
Ilya Genin illuminates modern day Cuba with photography and collage. This illustration is used courtesy of the author. Copyright Ilya Genin.
The Rutgers University Art Library will display work by New Jersey artist, Ilya Genin from Monday, February 22nd through Thursday March 31st. The exhibit will kick off with a public celebration on Thursday, March 3rd, from 4:30-5:30 in the Art Library (Voorhees Hall, 71 Hamilton Street, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1248).
Ilya Genin is an artist renowned for beautiful and provocative artistic representations of present day Cuba. Working in photography and digital collage form, Genin’s art probes essential questions about collisions between African and Spanish cultures, capitalism and communism, religion and sexual independence, and necessity and principle.
“Genin uses digital collages to express that Cuba has been the subject of extraordinary mash-ups,” explains Princeton-based photographer Ricardo Barros. “Cubans have harnessed diverse, sometimes conflicting forces to forge an imperfect union. Like Cuba itself, Ilya Genin’s vision is complex. It is tinged with darkness, as well as with hope.”
Born and raised in Ukraine, Genin first learned of Cuba through Soviet messaging, sparking a life-long interest. Now an American citizen and a cardiologist with a busy New Jersey practice, Genin has traveled to Cuba many times, camera in hand to capture the people, places, and activities of the island. Thanks to recent political changes, Cuba is once again at the fore of American cultural imagination, imbuing Genin’s work with greater significance.
Genin’s exhibition at the Art Library is presented as part of the ‘Latino Americans: 500 Years of History’ grant project funded by the American Library Association and the National Endowment for the Humanities, in conjunction with the PBS Series. Project director Nancy C. Kranich hopes Genin’s work will generate greater interest and understanding in Cuba’s history and modern-day diplomatic relations with the United States.
“I’m thrilled that this NEH/ALA grant: Latino Americans: 500 Years of History, provides Rutgers and other New Jersey community members an opportunity to see such a moving, up-close, illustrative picture of life in contemporary Cuban society,” says Kranich. “Viewers will come away with a deeper understanding and appreciation of the Cuban, Latino, and human experience shaped by historic circumstances that have contributed to day-to-day life in a place that is foreign to many Americans, but will soon become more familiar as we forge closer ties to our nearby neighbor.”
Previously, Genin’s work has been exhibited to fellow photographers and to Cuban audiences in Havana, so this exhibit is an opportunity to reach new audiences, according to the photographer.
“I jumped at the opportunity to show my work to an entirely different audience—young men and women on their way to become full-fledged members of the intellectual elite who will bear the burden of making far-reaching decisions in our complicated world,” Genin explains. “I could not think of a better audience to ponder questions about the changes in Cuban society in the coming months and years than up and coming thinkers, shakers, and movers who are present in this preeminent higher ed institution of a state which is home to so many Cubans who could not bear to live under the Castro regime.”
Dan Figueredo, a librarian and author of children’s books and chronicler of the Latino experience in the United States, played a key role in bringing Genin’s work to Rutgers University. “As a graduate of the School of Communication and Information at Rutgers University–New Brunswick, editor of theEncyclopedia of Cuba, and author of A Brief History of the Caribbean, I’m proud of the contribution Rutgers University is making to a broader understanding of Cuba’s history and the courage of the Cuban people,” says Figueredo. “Ilya’s artistic sensibility allows him to focus on the nuances of the daily survival of the Cuban people celebrating with them the humanity they bring forth regardless of doctrine and political agendas.”
And, according to Barros, it is this emphasis on the humanity of the people of Cuba that makes the exhibit a not-to-be-missed event: “Genin affirms that Cubans have nothing to apologize for, but his photographs also show us much more. We see that Cubans are self-aware, scarred, secure, passionate, practical, involved, engaged, acquiescent, loving, and, most of all, human.”
To learn more about the Latino Americans 500 years of history initiatives on the Rutgers campuses please visit: http://libguides.rutgers.edu/latinoamericans500
This event is part of Latino Americans: 500 Years of History, a collaborative project of Rutgers University Libraries, the CLAC, and public libraries in New Jersey, made possible through a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the American Library Association.