PHC(1): Census Tracts
Location of Volumes at Alexander Library
Red books located in DOCREF STACK 101
Location of Maps at Alexander Library
Kept in pockets of volumes
HC(3): City Blocks
Location of Volumes at Alexander Library
Red books located in DOCREF Stack 104
Location of Maps at Alexander Library
Kept in pockets of each block statistics volume
PHC(1): Census Tracts
Location of Volumes at Alexander Library
Blue books located in DOCREF STACK 101-102
Location of Maps at Alexander Library
Kept inside volumes
HC(3): Block Statistics
Location of Volumes at Alexander Library
Black books located in DOCREF STACK 104
Location of Maps at Alexander Library
Kept in pockets of each block statistics volume
PHC80-2: Census Tracts
Location of Volumes at Alexander Library
Greyish-blue books located in DOCREF STACK 102, organized alphabetically by Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (SMSA)
Location of Maps at Alexander Library
Census tract maps are filed in putty-colored cabinet near the end of DOCREF Stack 106. Maps are in order alphabetically by SMSA beginning in Drawer 3.
PHC80-1 Block Statistics
Location of Volumes at Alexander Library
Located in red GPO microfiche cabinet in C 3.224/15
Location of Maps at Alexander Library
Located in red GPO microfiche cabinet in C 3.224/15.
CPH-3: Population and Housing Characteristics for Census Tract and Block Numbering Areas
Location of Volumes at Alexander Library
Reddish-purple books in DOCREF Stack 102, Sections F-H, organized alphabetically by tract block numbering area (BNA). Block statistics data included in census tract volumes.
See also manila folder at end of volume range to identify metropolitan areas covered by ASI
Location of Maps at Alexander Library
See ASI Microfiche Collection 1993 under #2551.10-#2551.58 Located in putty-colored file cabinet in DOCREF just beyond Stack 105
Maps are also available electronically from the Census Bureau Geographies site.
Census Tracts
Available electronically from the Bureau of the Census.
In order to view census tract data, start at the Advanced Search page. Select the Geography option at the right, and then select Tract from the geography list. To limit your data (e.g., Census 2000, Census 2010, etc.) select the Years or Surveys option.
Maps are available electronically from the Census Bureau Geographies site.