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Landscape Architecture

Interlibrary Loan

How to do Interlibrary Loan:

If you need a book that Rutgers does not have go to the interlibrary loan page. Enter your NetID and password. Once on the ILL page, click ILL Book Request. Enter the requested information including the title. Click submit request. Allow up to 14 days for delivery from other libraries.

You can also find items at different libraries via WorldCat, and have them delivered to Rutgers (see WorldCat box in the center of this page for details).

Library Catalogs- IRIS

IRIS, the catalog of the Rutgers University Libraries  



IRIS is the online catalog for Rutgers University Libraries. It contains records for books, periodicals, videos, manuscripts, printed music, CDs,  DVDs, and other materials held by the Rutgers University Libraries, including those held on reserve for specific courses, and circulation records for all borrowers.  

Finding Landscape Architecture Resources in IRIS   

Call Number: Most of the books about Landscape Architecture can be found in the call number range SB. This means that if you find a book with SB on it, it is likely to be about Landscape Architecture. You could also do a call number search for SB in IRIS and see what books the Rutgers Libraries have on the subject.

Subject Heading: There are various subject headings for this topic, but the main one is Landscape Architecture. You can do a subject search in IRIS (explained below in "How to...") using the subject heading term to find books on your topic. Variations on the subject heading include Landscape architecture--Conservation and restoration--Congresses, Urban landscape architecture, and others.

How to Search IRIS

IRIS lets you search for resources in multiple ways. Click on the drop-down arrow for Select a search type to search by title, author, periodical title, subject, words, etc. Then type  the corresponding words in the Search box. This helps you find an exact book, or find all books by a certain author, or on a certain subject. If you cannot find what you are looking for at one library, you can easily do an interlibrary loan or get it delivered from another RU Library (see "Interlibrary Loan" and "Get It From Another RU Library" Boxes in the left column of this page).

Use Advanced Search to create a more specific search. This allows you to combine different search terms using AND, search either one term or the other using OR, or use NOT to exclude terms from searches.


Library Catalogs- WorldCat

WorldCat makes it easy to find books and periodicals that Rutgers Libraries may not have. It lists the catalogs of more than 110 million libraries in forty-five countries!

Many New Jersey libraries, including Rutgers, contribute on a daily basis. WorldCat includes resources in 400 languages, dating from before 1000 BC to the present.  

 Materials not owned by Rutgers may be requested through interlibrary loan

You can use WorldCat to look up books we don't have at RU by looking up a landscape architect's name, a title of a design or a book, or by searching by subject, for example.

How To Get a Book From WorldCat

To find it at Rutgers: If you find a book you want in WorldCat, first check if Rutgers has it. Do this by clicking the Get it @ R icon. If a RU library has it, the item record will appear.

To do an interlibrary loan: If you have found a book on WorldCat, but RU does not have it, you can get it via interlibrary loan. Once in the books record, click place ILL request. This brings you to a Rutgers screen where you will be asked to give your NetID and Password. Next you will see a screen asking for information about the item you want, including title, publisher, etc. This will most likely be filled out already by WorldCat. The source of the item will also be filled in by WorldCat. Click submit request and the item you want will be delivered to a Rutgers Library soon!

To find it by you: You can also find the book by visiting a library that has it. You might be able to find it at your local library, or a library close-by. However, remember that you might not have access to get in all other libraries (i.e. other university libraries) or to take out their books, and it might be easier having Rutgers loan the book for you. To find a book at another library, first type in the zip code to find what libraries closest to you have the book. A list of the closest libraries will appear. You can click on the library name to access their local catalog and find out where the book can be found in that library.