The Library Catalog is the gateway to all information resources located in the Rutgers University Libraries. Use keywords to search for the appropriate materials. Some examples:
- Health care systems,
- Employee benefits,
- Benefits legislation,
- Deferred compensation
Searches using Library of Congress Subject Headings can yield more targeted results. Subject headings can be further narrowed by adding location: (United States or Canada), aspect: (government policy, economic aspects, taxation, law and legislation), or population: (women, Hispanic-Americans, Asia).
- Pensions
- Employee Fringe Benefits
- Health maintenance organizations
- Medicare
- United States, Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974
To find other Library of Congress Subject Headings, type in one of the above headings (example: “Employee fringe benefits”) in the search box, and select “Subject begins with” from the drop-down menu under the search box. After the subject heading you typed in, there will be a link named to “related headings”; “Employee fringe benefits”, for example, has 13 related Library of Congress subject headings.