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Videos on Women's and Gender Studies

SELECTED DVDs and Videotapes in the Rutgers Libraries

Violence Against Women, International DVDs

Bawandar Sandstorm c2000

Vinod Doshi, Jag Mundhra, Jag Mohan, Gaurang Doshi, Nandita Das, Raghuvir Yadav, Dipti Navala, Smriti Pictures Production, Eros Multimedia (Europe), and Eros International (Firm)

A story of a woman who is gang-raped by upper cast men in her village when she speaks up against the prevalent custom of child marriages. She decides to look for justice and from a rape victim becomes a rape activist. 1 videodisc (165 min.)

MEDIA 10-401


Befreier und befreite krieg, vergewaltigungen, kinder 2006?

Helke Sander, Klaus Volkenborn, Bremer Institut Film/Fernsehen, Helke Sander Filmproduktion, Westdeutscher Rundfunk, Neue Visionen Medien (Firm), Goethe Institut (Munich, Germany), Films Dept, and good! movies (Firm)

After 46 years of silence women who were raped by soldiers of the Red Army at the end of the Second World War talk for the first time publicly about the violent experiences. Part 1 focuses on the women themselves and their stories.  In the conversation with the soldiers the question is raised as to why there were so many rapes during the advance of the Red Army. Part 2 is an analysis of the lasting consequences for the women victims and for the children who were born as a result of these rapes. 1 videodisc (192 min.) :

MEDIA 10-2736


The dilemma of the White Ant c2008

Caroline Pare, Steve Bradshaw, Esther Acan , Television Trust for the Environment, and Bullfrog Films

Esther Acan pushes for justice against Dominic Ongwen (aka: the White Ant), the Lord's Resistance Army lieutenant who ordered the killing of her husband and children.  Acan files war crimes charges against Ongwen in the International Criminal Court at the Hague, which upsets many who favor reconciliation.  The situation is complicated further by the fact that Ongwen is a victim of war crimes himself, as he was kidnapped and forced to serve as a child soldier in the LRA. 1 videodisc (26 min.) :

MEDIA 10-2755


Dorf 2006?

Helke Sander, Helke Sander Filmproduktion, MMM Filmproduktion Zimmerman GbR, Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk, Norddeutscher Rundfunk, Neue Visionen Medien (Firm), Goethe Institut (Munich, Germany), Films Dept, and good! movies (Firm)

This documentary examines the German village of Kortenbeck, exploring the impact of history and the social atmosphere, as well as the changes taking place due to globalization. 1 videodisc (90 min.) :

MEDIA 10-2740


Fighting the silence 2007

During the Democratic Republic of the Congo's seven year war, more then 80,000 women and girls were raped.  "Fighting the Silence" tells the story of ordinary women and men struggling to change their society: one that prefers to blame victims rather than prosecute rapists.  Survivors tell of the brutality they experienced. Husbands talk of the pressures that led them to abandon their wives. A father explains why he has given up on his daughter's future. Soldiers and policemen share their shocking views about why rape continues to flourish in the Congo despite the war having officially ended four years ago. 1 videodisc (ca. 53 min.)

MEDIA 10-5650


The greatest silence rape in the Congo 2007

Lisa F Jackson, Women Make Movies (Firm), HBO Documentary Films, Fledgling Fund, and Jackson Films (Firm)

Since 1998 a brutal war has ravaged the Democratic Republic of Congo, killing over 4 million people and resulting in many tens of thousands of women and girls being systematically kidnapped, raped, mutilated and tortured by soldiers from both foreign militias and the Congolese army. Until now, their stories have never been told to the world. 1 videodisc (76 min.)

MEDIA 10-1149


Killer's paradise 2007

Giselle Portenier, Olenka Frenkiel, Silva Basmajian, British Broadcasting Corporation, and National Film Board of Canada

"Since 1999, more than two thousand women have been murdered in Guatemala, with the numbers escalating every year. Yet lawmakers and government officials just turn a blind eye ... Uncovers one of the most emotionally wrenching human rights abuses taking place, while exposing the impunity allowed by an inept judicial system"--Cover. 1 videodisc (83 min.)

MEDIA 10-1709


The man who stole my mother's face 2003

Cathy Henkel, Laura Henkel, Jeff Canin, Hatchling Productions, Film Finance Corporation Australia, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, and Women Make Movies (Firm)

"Two days before Christmas in 1988, Cathy Henkel's 59-year-old mother Laura was sexually and brutally attacked in her home in Johannesburg, South Africa by a local white teenager. Although Laura identified her attacker ... the man was never charged and remained free. For fourteen years, unable to recover, Laura Henkel retreated from her family and rejected contact with the outside world. In an attempt to help her mother heal ... Cathy Henkel took matters into her own hands, returned to Johannesburg and confronted her mother's attackers. What begins as a[n] ... exploration about the unsolved case of Laura Henkel's rape becomes a ... revelation about the healing process."--Distributor's website. 1 videodisc (58 min.) :

MEDIA 10-3577


Men are human, women are buffalo 2008?

Joanne Hershfield, Jim Beckwith, Lisa Sturz, Suteera Thomson, Maytinee Bhongsvej, Association for the Promotion of the Status of Women (Thailand), and New Day Films

Combines interviews and shadow puppetry to tell five stories about violence against women in Thailand.  Three stories are about emotional and physical abuse by husbands or boyfriends, and two stories are about rape by acquaintances or strangers. 1 videodisc (29 min.) :

MEDIA 10-2409


Mrs. Goundo's daughter 2009

Barbara Attie, Janet Goldwater, Attie & Goldwater Productions, Independent Television Service, and Women Make Movies (Firm)

"Threatened with deportation, Mrs. Goundo must convince an immigration judge that her two-year-old daughter is in danger: if returned to her family's native country of Mali, she will be forced to undergo female genital mutilation. Reveals how women are profoundly affected by immigration law and political asylum struggles and travels between an FGM ceremony in a Malian village to the expatriate community of Philadelphia, where Mrs. Goundo battles the American legal system for her child's future"--Container. 1 videodisc (62 min.) :

MEDIA 10-3574


Outlawed in Pakistan 2013

The story of Kainat Soomro, a thirteen year old girl, who had accused four men of gang raping her. In hopes of getting justice she goes to the court system, but is ordered to be killed instead of getting justice. 1 videodisc (56 min.)

MEDIA 10-4726


Quest for honor 2009

Mary Ann Smothers Bruni, Lawrence Taub, and SB Productions

Describes the practice of "honor killing" of women by male relatives for actions deemed dishonorable to their families in Kurdistan, Iraq, and highlights efforts by Kurdish activists to end the practice. 1 videodisc (66 min.) :

MEDIA 10-3593


Sarabah 2011

Gary Meister, Maria Luisa Gambale, Gloria Bremer, Steven Lawrence, Lukas May, Fa, Link TV, Yerosha Productions, and Women Make Movies (Firm)

Rapper, singer and activist Sister Fa (Fatou Mandiang Diatta) works to end the practice of female genital mutilation in her home land of Senegal. 1 videodisc (60 min.)

MEDIA 10-4143


Saving face 2011

Daniel Junge, Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy, Davis Coombe, HBO Documentary Films, Jungefilm (Firm), Milkhaus (Firm), and Women Make Movies (Firm)

"Saving face is a harshly realistic view of some incredibly strong and impressive women. Every year in Pakistan, many women are known to be victimized by brutal acid attacks, with numerous cases going unreported. With little or no access to reconstructive surgery, survivors are physically and emotionally scarred. Many reported assailants, typically a husband or someone else close to the victim, receive minimal punishment from the state. Plastic surgeon Dr. Mohammad Jawad left his prominent London practice to return to his home country and help the victims of such attacks. Two of these women, Zakia and Rukhsana, are victims of brutal acid attacks by their husbands and in Rukhsana's case, her in-laws as well. Both attempt to bring their assailants to justice and move on with their lives with the help of NGOs, sympathetic policymakers, politicians, support groups with other acid attack victims and Dr. Jawad."--Container. 1 videodisc (40 min.)

MEDIA 10-3958


Senegal the power to change 1999

Gern Inger Polden, Solveig Helvik, Norsk rikskringkasting, Danmarks radio, Sveriges utbildningsradio, and Filmakers Library, inc

The protest against female genital mutilation started with an educational program set up by the United Nations in cooperation with a local NGO. News of the declarations spread through the media, inspiring women in other villages to demand education and to take similar decisions. In January of 1999 the parliament of Senegal passed a law forbidding female genital mutilation. This is a success story which shows that education makes all the difference. 1 videodisc (30 min.) :

MEDIA 10-3676


Shadows of sex trafficking 2013

Lured away by the promise of a good paying job in the United States, a South American immigrant, Nieomi, tells the harrowing tale of her border crossing, where she was unsuspectedly beaten and drugged into submission and then forced by her captors to have sex with countless strangers for months before she was able to find a way out. 1 videodisc (29 min.)

MEDIA 10-4515


Sisters in law 2005

Kim Longinotto, Florence Ayisi, and Women Make Movies (Firm)

A documentary record of a courtroom in Kumba, Cameroon, where a female prosecutor and judge work to put an end to their community's tacit acceptance of child abuse, wife beating and rape. 1 videodisc (104 min.)

MEDIA 10-789


Te doy mis ojos c2006

Icíar Bollain, Santiago García de Leániz, Enrique González Macho, Laia Marull, Luis Tosar, Candela Peńa, Rosa María Sardá, Sergi Calleja, Kiti Manver, New Yorker Video (Firm), New Yorker Films, Alta Producción, and Producciones La Iguana

A terrified Pilar hastily flees from her husband Antonio's rage in the middle of the night with her young son and goes to her sister Ana's house. Soon Antonio is banging on Ana's front door in a fit of rage, screaming for Pilar to return home. With Ana's support, Pilar is determined to save herself from Antonio's rage. Yet the very passionate Antonio is far from a one-dimensional brute, and the bond between Pilar and Antonio is deep. Pilar is persuaded to return to Antonio and they struggle to rebuild their relationship, but there are no simple answers. 1 videodisc (106 min.)

MEDIA 10-1024


Trafficked children as sexual slaves  c2005

Luigi Acquisto, Christopher J Payne, Film Australia Pty Limited, and Filmakers Library, inc

Follows private investigator and former Australian police officer, Chris Payne, as he investigates the trafficking of women and children for prostitution. Haunted by the case of "Nikkie", a young Thai girl found working in a brothel in Sydney, Payne travels to Thailand to find out what has happened to her since her deportation. Through this and another case, "Trafficked" provides insight into the international sex trade. 1 videodisc (52 min.)

MEDIA 10-1925


Umoja no men allowed c2010

Elizabeth Tadic, Selene Alcock, Rebecca Lolosoli, and Women Make Movies (Firm)

"Umoja tells the life-changing story of a group of impoverished tribal Samburu women in Northern Kenya who turn age-old patriarchy on its head.  Their story began in the 1990's, when several hundred women accused British soldiers from a nearby militry base of rape.  In keeping with traditional Samburu customs, the women were cast out by their husbands for bringing shame to their famlies.  Rebecca Lolosoli, a tireless women's rights advocate, helps establish a women-only village, Umoja.  Soon the women turn their fate around, launching a successful business-which incurs the men's jealousy and wrath, setting off an unusual, occasionally hilarious, gender war"--Container. 1 videodisc (32 min.) :

MEDIA 10-3246


Weapon of war confession of rape in Congo c2009

"In no other country has sexual violence matched the scale of brutality reached in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). During nearly two decades of conflicts between rebels and government forces, an estimated 150,000 Congolese women and girls fell victim to mass rape. That figure continues to rise. WEAPON OF WAR, an award-winning film honored by Amnesty International, journeys to the heart of this crisis, where we meet its perpetrators. In personal interviews, soldiers and former combatants provide openhearted but shocking testimony about rape in the DRC. Despite differing views on causes or criminal status, all reveal how years of conflict, as well as discrimination against women, have normalized brutal sexual violence. We also see former rapists struggling to change their own or others' behavior, and reintegrate into their communities."-- Women Make Movies web site. 1 videodisc (59 min.)

MEDIA 10-5668


Witches of Gambaga 2010

Amina Mama, Yaba Badoe, and Fadoa Films

The Witches of Gambaga is the extraordinary story of a community of women condemned to live as witches in Northern Ghana. Painful experience and insight come together to create an intimate portrait of the lives of women ostracized by their communities. 1 videodisc (56 min.) :

MEDIA 10-2612


Women's war 2009

Marika Griehsel and Giant Films

In March 2009, staff at Panzi Hospital in the Congo visit Bosnia and Herzegovina for five days to exchange their work experiences as they help women rebuild their lives after being the victim of rape in conflict zones. 1 videodisc (19 min.) :

MEDIA 10-2576


Violence Against Women, International

Against my will c2002

Ayfer Ergün, Asya Elahi, Farida Batool, Humanist Broadcasting Foundation, and First Run/Icarus Films

Investigates violence against women in Pakistan, where concepts of family honor and the status of women as property perpetuate the practice of "honor killing", the murder of women by male relatives for behavior deemed socially or morally unacceptable. 1 videocassette (50 min.)

MEDIA 2-7302


Bandit Queen 1995

Shekhar Kapur, Sundeep S Bedi, Seema Biswas, Mala Sen, Nirmal Pandey, and Manoj Bajpai

A dramatization of the life story of the female dacoit, Phoolan Devi. "Born of low caste in the Chambal River Valley of India, 11-year-old Phoolan is sold into marriage with a man 20 years her senior. She escapes and falls in with a pack of ruthless bandits but the male-dominated gang comes with its own set of brutal humiliations, and Phoolan must struggle to rise above a culture determined to bring her down, in a bloody coup that electrified a nation"--Container. 1 videocassette (120 min.) :

MEDIA 2-3300


Bawandar Sandstorm c2000

Vinod Doshi, Jag Mundhra, Jag Mohan, Gaurang Doshi, Nandita Das, Raghuvir Yadav, Dipti Navala, Smriti Pictures Production, Eros Multimedia (Europe), and Eros International (Firm)

A story of a woman who is gang-raped by upper cast men in her village when she speaks up against the prevalent custom of child marriages. She decides to look for justice and from a rape victim becomes a rape activist. 1 videodisc (165 min.)

MEDIA 10-401


City of dreams c2001

Bruno Sorrentino, Gianfranco Norelli, Palio Pictures, British Broadcasting Corporation, Television Service, and Filmakers Library, inc

This documentary focuses on the social causes at the root of over 200 unsolved murders of young women in Juarez, Mexico. 1 videocassette (45 min.)

MEDIA 2-6289


The greatest silence rape in the Congo 2007

Lisa F Jackson, Women Make Movies (Firm), HBO Documentary Films, Fledgling Fund, and Jackson Films (Firm)

Since 1998 a brutal war has ravaged the Democratic Republic of Congo, killing over 4 million people and resulting in many tens of thousands of women and girls being systematically kidnapped, raped, mutilated and tortured by soldiers from both foreign militias and the Congolese army. Until now, their stories have never been told to the world. 1 videodisc (76 min.) :

MEDIA 10-1149


House on fire 1998

Diane Best, Rula Lenska, Dawnette Hinds, and Calvin Mitchel

The Caribbean has one of the highest rates of domestic violence in the world. Triggered by unemployment and drug use, it's also perpetuated by a culture that still fails to condemn violence against women, and sexual violence in particular, as a crime. 1 videocassette (15 min.) :

MEDIA 2-5835


Killer's paradise 2007

Giselle Portenier, Olenka Frenkiel, Silva Basmajian, British Broadcasting Corporation, and National Film Board of Canada

"Since 1999, more than two thousand women have been murdered in Guatemala, with the numbers escalating every year. Yet lawmakers and government officials just turn a blind eye ... Uncovers one of the most emotionally wrenching human rights abuses taking place, while exposing the impunity allowed by an inept judicial system"--Cover. 1 videodisc (83 min.) :

MEDIA 10-1709


Macho c2000

Lucinda Broadbent, Lucinda Broadbent, Charles Hamilton, and Women Make Movies (Firm)

A report about the 'Men Against Violence' group of Nicaragua, who create new ways to confront male violence and machismo. 1 videocassette (26 min.)

MEDIA 2-316


Of hopscotch and little girls stolen childhood 2001

Marquise Lepage and Marcel Simard

This provocative program features girls from around the globe who share their stories of abuse and neglect, and also their hopes and dreams, in a world that too often considers them second-class citizens. 1 videocassette (53 min.) :

MEDIA 2-5194


Rape is-- 2002

Margaret Lazarus and  Renner Wunderlich

This documentary looks at rape from a global and historical perspective, but focuses mainly on the domestic cultural conditions of this human rights violation. 1 videocassette (34 min.) :

MEDIA 2-5942


Senegal the power to change 2000

Gern Inger Polden and Solveig Helvik

The protest against female genital mutilation started with an educational program set up by the United Nations in cooperation with a local NGO. News of the declarations spread through the media, inspiring women in other villages to demand education and to take similar decisions. This is a success story which shows that education makes all the difference. 1 videocassette (30 min.) :

MEDIA 2-6015


Sex slaves [videorecording] / an Associated Producers Ltd. film ; produced in association with WGBH/FRONTLINE, Channel 4, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, and Canal D ; producers, Ric Esther Bienstock, Felix Golubev, Simcha Jacobovici ; writer/director, Ric Esther Bienstock Ric Esther Bienstock, Felix Golubev, Simcha Jacobovici, WGBH Educational Foundation, Channel Four (Great Britain), Canadian Broadcasting Corporation,  Canal D, and PBS Video

Explores the multi-billion dollar world of sex trafficking. Goes to the villages of Ukraine and Moldova, where girls are lured and then sold and forced into prostitution in brothels and discotheques all over Europe. Follows Viorel, a Ukrainian man, on a mission to find his pregnant, trafficked wife in Turkey. The film explores the global trafficking problem through personal stories and unfettered access to traffickers and the people used as human chattel. 1 videocassette (ca. 60 min.)

MEDIA 2-7518


Señorita extraviada 2001

Lourdes Portillo, Olivia Crawford, Julie Mackaman, and Sharon Wood

Over 250 young women were kidnapped, raped and murdered from the city of Juárez, Mexico. The perpetuators of these crimes have not been apprehended, even though these crimes have been occurring regularly since 1993. 1 videocassette (76 min.) :

MEDIA 2-5442


Silence & complicity violence against women in Peruvian public health facilities 1998

Carlos Cárdenas and Rita Moreno

Documents testimonies of women who were mistreated and sexually abused while seeking care in Peruvian health facilities. 1 videocassette (22 min.) :

MEDIA 2-5706


Sisters and daughters betrayed the trafficking of women and girls and the fight to end it c1995

Chela Blitt, Lyons Filmer, Global Fund for Women, University of California (System), and Extension Center for Media and Independent Learning

A report on the practice in Southeast Asia of illegally transporting millions of women and young girls from rural to urban areas and across national borders for the purposes of prostitution. 1 videocassette (28 min.)

MEDIA 2-6294


Sisters in law 2005

Kim Longinotto, Florence Ayisi, and Women Make Movies (Firm)

A documentary record of a courtroom in Kumba, Cameroon, where a female prosecutor and judge work to put an end to their community's tacit acceptance of child abuse, wife beating and rape. 1 videodisc (104 min.)

MEDIA 10-789


Souha, suivre a l'enfer Souha, surviving hell 2001

Souha Béchara, Randa Chahal Sabbag, Cinétévé (Firm), Leil Productions, France 3 cinéma, and Canal+Horizons

In 1989, a young Lebanese woman, Souha Bécara, tried to assassinate General Antoine Lahad and was sent to Khiam prison for ten years, where she was repeatedly tortured.  After the Israeli withdrawal, she returns to Lebanon and meets with other former prisoners. 1 videocassette (57 min.)

MEDIA 2-6326


Te doy mis ojos c2006

Icíar Bollain, Santiago García de Leániz, Enrique González Macho, Laia Marull, Luis Tosar, Candela Peña, Rosa María Sardá, Sergi Calleja, Kiti Manver, New Yorker Video (Firm), New Yorker Films, Alta Producción, and Producciones La Iguana

A terrified Pilar hastily flees from her husband Antonio's rage in the middle of the night with her young son and goes to her sister Ana's house. Soon Antonio is banging on Ana's front door in a fit of rage, screaming for Pilar to return home. With Ana's support, Pilar is determined to save herself from Antonio's rage. Yet the very passionate Antonio is far from a one-dimensional brute, and the bond between Pilar and Antonio is deep. Pilar is persuaded to return to Antonio and they struggle to rebuild their relationship, but there are no simple answers. 1 videodisc (106 min.) :

MEDIA 10-1024


Trafficked c2005

Luigi Acquisto, Stella Zammataro, Christopher J Payne, Film Australia Pty Limited, Abracadabra Films, Film Australia (Organization), National Interest Program, and Filmakers Library, inc

This documentary follows former police officer Chris Payne as he investigates the crime of trafficking for prostitution. 1 videocassette (52 min.)

MEDIA 2-7523


The Vienna Tribunal 1994

Gerry Rogers and Adam Symansky

Personal stories of women from around the world who testified before a panel of eminent judges at the Global Tribunal on Violations of Women's Rights. This film dramatically captures the abuses women suffer the world over. 1 videocassette (48 min., 13 sec.) :

MEDIA. MEDIA 2-2523 2-5767


What in the world?: Nicaragua c2005

Ruth Meehan, Rodney Rice, Radio Telefís Éireann, KMF Productions, and Films for the Humanities (Firm)

Documents recent efforts to combat domestic violence in Nicaragua where it is estimated that 29% of women have suffered rape or other physical abuse by men. 1 videocassette (26 min.)

MEDIA 2-7134


You can't beat a woman! another film about violence against women 1998, 1997

Gail Singer and Joe MacDonald

Moving from Canada to Russia, South Africa, Israel, Japan, and Chile this documentary examines the phenomenon of violence againt women through the eyes of nine former victims.  We are drawn into the societies they inhabit and examine the role these societies play in the perception of the problem. 1 videocassette (91 min.) :

MEDIA 2-3803


Violence Against Women, International - New This Year