- Directory of Small Business Assistance Resources for Northern New Jersey
- DANA REF HD 2346 .U62 N54
- Doing Business in New Jersey,
- from the New Jersey Department of Commerce and Economic Development.
ALEXANDER DOC REF HF 3161 .N5 D65, CAMDEN, DANA REF HF 3161 .N5 D65, CARR HF 3161 .N5 D65
- How to Start a Business in the State of New Jersey,
- by Lawrence Novick. L.N. Inc.
- Starting and Managing Your Own Business in New Jersey
- from the Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE).
DANA REF HD 62.7 .S72, CARR REF HG 62.5 .S7394
- Starting and Operating a Business in New Jersey: A Step-by-Step Guide
- by Michael D. Jenkins and Richard Sackin. Oasis Press/PSI Research.
CAMDEN, CARR REF KFN 2034 .J46; DANA KFN 2034 .J46
You can also refer to the U.S. SBA's New Jersey District Resource Guide.