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Small Business and Entrepreneurship

Surveys of Small Business

The Shafran Moltz Group conducts an annual small business outlook survey: 2013 (and Infographic) | 2012.

Small Business: Then & Now summarizes the changes that small businesses have encountered over the last five years, based on a survey by Constant Contact.

Other surveys include the following:

The Womenabler Reference Library includes links to several reports and surveys related to women-owned businesses.

Many other Economic Indicators are covered in a separate guide.

The Top 20 Reasons Startups Fail

Learn about company failures with, which links to recent press coverage of start-ups that did not succeed.


Start with 10 Must Read Blogs for Entrepreneurs and then refer to 15 Must Read Small Business Marketing Blogs.

For a selection of Small Business Blogs, see the list reviewed by in its "Best of the Web Directory."

Many blogs and news sources are tracked by BizSugar. And there's even a blog run by the U.S. Small Business Administration.