For a quick profile of a public company's financial position, current news articles, as well as links to employment opportunities, use one of the following:
* The complete Hoover's profiles (which require a subscription on that site) are available to Rutgers users on Westlaw (Rutgers-restricted access). How to Find Hoover's (PowerPoint)
Source of H1B Visa and green card information
To select companies or employers by location, industry, or size (or some combination of criteria), use Reference Solutions (formerly ReferenceUSA), with coverage of over 15 million firms and organizations. (Rutgers-restricted access)
Articles from the business press as well as industry and trade magazines may be found on Business Source Premier (Rutgers-restricted access)
News articles as well as several years of corporate financials may be found on Factiva by company name or ticker symbol in the "Companies/Markets" section. (Rutgers-restricted access)
For some insider information on over two thousand firms, look at Vault Career Intelligence. After you connect, you have to create an account with your Rutgers email address and any password. (Rutgers-restricted access) (Non-Rutgers students have to register with as a member.)
You can obtain a list of establishments in New Jersey, by industry and county, at the New Jersey Employer Listings page.
About 1,000 companies are profiled in the Corporate Yellow Book, which is updated quarterly. Each profile includes the name, position, and telephone number of numerous senior executives and board members. (DANA REF HG 4057 .A15646)
100 Best Companies to Work For (Fortune Magazine)
Best Workplaces for Diversity (Fortune Magazine)
Best Companies for Diversity (Black Enterprise)
Best Companies lists (Seramount)
Best Places to Work: Employees' Choice (Glassdoor)
Best Workplaces (Great Place to Work® Institute)
Employer Attractiveness Rankings (Universum Global)
Best Places for Hispanics and Latinos (Forbes)
The Most Innovative Companies of 2018 (Fast Company)
NAFE Top Companies (National Association for Female Executives)
Top 25 Companies for Career Opportunities (
Top 50 Companies for Diversity (DiversityInc.)
Top 100 Global Innovators (Thomson Reuters)
World’s Most Admired Companies (Fortune Magazine)