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Social Work: PhD Students

A guide to library and research resources for doctoral students in social work.

Featured Books

Tips for Using Quicksearch to Find Books

  • Use AND to combine your concepts, e.g., child abuse AND alcohol (AND must be in caps)
  • Use OR to combine synonyms, related terms, e.g., domestic violence OR family violence (OR must be in caps)
  • Use the * (asterik)  to search for the root word and any ending, e.g., parent* will retrieve parent, parents, parenthood, parenting.
  • To search for an exact phrase, place the phrase in quotation marks, e.g., "attachment theory"
  • On  the results list page, choose the "Resource Type" facet on the left-hand side and choose "Books".
  • To specifically find E-books, on the results list page on the left, under "Limit to" select "Available Online", and under "Resource Type" choose "Books"
  • See also Refining Results
  • Use Advanced Search to limit your search to specific fields, like title, author, or subject  (select Books from Resource type on the right).

Finding and Getting Books

  • You may return materials to any Rutgers University Library.  You do not need to return items to the same library from which you borrowed them.
  •  If you need books physically located in another RU library, you can request they be sent to the library of your choice.  On the full record in Quicksearch, select the "Request"  link. 
  • If you need books either not owned, checked out, or otherwise not available in the Rutgers University Libraries, the fastest way to get them is through E-Z Borrow.  Books requested from E-Z Borrow usually arrive in about one week.  For additional options and more information , please see Placing Requests via Quicksearch and  Borrow/Request/Renew.



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WorldCat provides book holdings information from libraries around the world.  Items found in WorldCat that we do not own can be requested via InterLibrary Loan

E-ZBorrow, UBorrow, and more!!