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French Language & Literature

A guide to resources for the study of the French language and literatures in French.

Indices and Databases


MLA International Bibliography - Indexes critical scholarship on literature, language, linguistics, folklore, and film in journal articles, series, monographs, dissertations, bibliographies, proceedings and other materials. Coverage includes literature from all over the world--Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and North and South America. (NetID Restricted)

JSTOR - Provides access to back runs of journals, beginning with first vol. of each journal, however, due to the so-called "moving wall," does not include current issues of journals. (NetID Restricted)

THE ARTFL PROJECT: Project for American and French Research on the Treasury of the French Language - Access to a variety of French-language textual resources, including Frantext, a full-text keyword searching of a corpus consisting of nearly 2000 texts, ranging from classic works of French literature to various kinds of non-fiction prose and technical writing. (NetID Restricted)


Corpus de la littérature narrative du Moyen Age au 20e siècle - French-literature resource containing the full text of 1,000 narrative works that date from the Middle Ages to the 20th century. (NetID Restricted)

Arts & Humanities Citation Index (via Web of Science) - Coverage, 1984-present. Multidisciplinary index of 1,100 arts and humanities journals plus relevant items from 6,800 major science and social science journals. (NetID Restricted)

Film & Television Literature Index - Comprehensive bibliographic database covering all types of writing, such as trade publications, news media and scholarly articles, and including international publications. (NetID Restricted)

Humanities Index Retrospective: 1907-1984 - Citations to articles covering a wide-range of humanities disciplines appearing in English-language periodicals and magazines published between 1907 and 1984. (NetID Restricted)

Torrossa - Full-text access to chapters, conference proceedings and journal articles published by the École française de Rome available through Torrossa of Casalini Libri. Subjects include Italian and Mediterranean history and archaeology from the prehistoric period to the present. (NetID Restricted)

Women's Studies International - Covers the core disciplines in Women's Studies from ca. 1972 to the present. (NetID Restricted)

Middle Ages and Renaissance

Les Archives de littérature du Moyen Âge (ARLIMA) - Bibliography on authors, works and themes across the French Middle Ages. (Open Access)

Dictionnaire de L'Ancienne Langue Française - The database is the full-text electronic version of Le Dictionnaire de l'Ancienne Langue Française et de tous ses Dialectes du IX au XV Siècle, published between 1880 and 1902, which remains an essential reference for medieval French language and lexicography. (NetID Restricted)

International Medieval Bibliography - Most comprehensive index for medieval studies with records for journals and articles in collected studies from 1967 onward. The  Bibliographie de civilisation médiévale  is also accessible here.  Occasionally indexing is incomplete or behind date of publication. (NetID Restricted)

Iter Gateway to the Middle Ages & Renaissance - Covers published materials pertaining to the Middle Ages and Renaissance (400-1700). As of July 2009, the database includes indexing of articles from 1710 journals (some dating back to 1784), indexing of selected essays from 8650 collections, and citations to 108,000 monographs, and a total of 1,070,000 bibliographic records. Useful for Italian authors of the Renaissance writing in Latin or the vernacular. (NetID Restricted)


Academic Search Premier - Contains interdisciplinary, full text content from thousands of magazines and scholarly journals. To limit your search results to full text, scholarly material, check the boxes for "Full Text," and "Scholarly (Peer-Reviewed) Journals." (NetID Restricted)

Google Scholar - Use to search for scholarly books and articles. Access it through the Rutgers University Libraries website so you are connected to the full text of items in the libraries' collections. (Open Access)

Project Muse - Full-text access to over 300 journals in the arts and humanities. (NetID Restricted)

Proquest Dissertations and Theses - Includes records for foreign dissertations beginning in the year 1637 and U.S. dissertations beginning with the first one, accepted in 1861. (NetID Restricted)

Periodical Indexes and Bibliographies


CAIRN - Full text access to hundreds of journals in the humanities and social sciences, published since 2001. Access to full-text of current issues is restricted (moving wall varies from title to title), but full text searching, the archives, tables of contents, and article summaries are free of charge. (some Open Access)

Catalogue Collectif de France - Union catalog providing access to major French catalogs, including general catalog of the National Library of France (BnF), SUDOC (système universitaire de documentation) catalog of academic libraries, and Base Patrimoine catalogue of 170 public libraries.

Liberation Journals Index - Analytic, searchable index covering the interwar Pan-African periodicals La Revue du Monde Noir, Légitime Défense, L’Étudiant Noir, the wartime Tropiques, and the postwar Présence Africaine, as well as the Québécois journal Liberté. Dates of coverage are from the early 1930s to the 1970s. The site provides insight into the role of literary periodicals in liberation movements throughout the Francophone world. (Open Access)

Persée - Persée is similar to JSTOR in providing full text in pdf format to back issues of hundreds of scholarly journals in the Humanities and Social Sciences (including a moving wall of three to five years depending on the journal). (Open Access)


Klapp, Otto. Bibliographie der französischen Literaturwissenschaft. Frankfurt am Main : V. Klostermann. 50 vols. Z2171.K55

Place, Jean-Michel. Bibliographie des revues et journaux littéraires des XIXe et XXe siècles. In 3 vols. PQ2.P5


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