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Economic Indicators

U.S. & Regional Data

Start with TradeStats Express for the latest annual and quarterly imports and exports data from the International Trade Administration, tabulated by NAICS, SITC, or HS.

    Some prepared trade data reports by geographic region or partner country are available from the U.S. International Trade Commission Interactive Tariff and Trade DataWeb homepage. Detailed import and export data from the USITC Interactive Trade DataWeb can be retrieved in a number of classification systems, including HS, SITC, and NAICS, but (free) registration is required.

    Summaries for trade and investment (and a simpler interface) are provided by the Bureau of Economic Analysis through its International Trade and Investment Country Facts.
US International Trade Commission

International Economic Accounts for trade in goods and services (tracked monthly) as well as other international financial transactions (reported quarterly or annually) are maintained by the Bureau of Economic Analysis of the Commerce Department.

Foreign Trade of the United States, Including State and Metro Area Export Data. Bernan Press. This publication brings together data sets from several agencies, including the Bureau of Economic Analysis, the Bureau of the Census, and the International Trade Administration. (DANA Reference Desk; CARR REF HF 3000 .F68)

U.S. Imports & Exports: 1989-2005 from Purdue University (select the Citrix client).

Maritime Statistics from the Maritime Administration of the U.S. Department of Transportation include several measures of U.S. waterborne foreign trade.

The Hemispheric Trade and Tariff Database for the Free Trade Area of the Americas was developed by the Inter-American Development Bank and all the countries participating in the FTAA. Data is available by National Custom Tariff commodity groups.

The Central American Trade Statistics System from the Secretariat for Central American Economic Integration covers five countries in Central America.

The Inter-American Development Bank provides trade data for member countries in North, Central, and South America via DATAINTAL. Data is available by HS, ISIC, and SITC.

Statistics for trade between the European Union, its member nations, and the rest of the world are summarized by country in the EU's Bilateral Relations: Statistics. The value and quantity of imports and exports of specific products may be found on the EU's Market Access Database.

Mergent Online has reports on 39 major industry sectors for four primary regions of the world. (Rutgers-restricted access)