The following are examples of selected scholarly works authored by members of the Department of Communication. Format the following articles, books and book chapters using the APA Style Manual, 6th edition.
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Professor James E. Katz, published a book called “ Magic in the air: mobile communication and the transformation of social life.” It was published in 2006 by Transaction Publishers located in New Brunswick, NJ. Format this book using the APA style manual 6th edition
Professor Itzhak Yanovitzky published an article in 2006 entitled, “Sensation seeking and alcohol use by college students: Examining multiple pathways of effects”. This article appeared on pages from 269 through 280 in the Journal of Health Communication. The vol. no is 11 and the issue no is 3. If you consulted this article in your research, how would you format this?
Professor Kathryn Greene contributed a chapter entitled, “Theory of Reasoned Action”. This chapter was published in the Encyclopedia of communication theory in Vol.2 and appeared on pages from 826 through 828. The editors of this encyclopedia were S.S. Littlejohn and K.A. Foss. This encyclopedia was published in 2009 and the publisher was Sage located in Thousand Oaks, CA. If you referred to Professor Greene’s chapter in your research, how would you cite this according to APA style manual 6th edition?
Professor Jennifer Gibbs co-authored with two other researchers (Rebecca Heino and Nicole Ellison) an article entitled, “ Relationshopping: Investigating the market metaphor in online dating”. The article appeared on pages 427 to 447 in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships that was published in June 2010. The volume number is 24 and the issue is no.4. If you read the article and want to cite this paper in the APA 6the edition style, how would you cite it?
Professors Mor Naaman and Jeffrey Boase presented a paper (with a third author Chih Hui Lai) at a conference which was then published as part of the conference proceedings. Format the following info according to the APA style. The paper title is, “Is it Really About Me? Message Content in Social Awareness Streams” published in Proceedings, the 2010 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative, Work February 6–10, 2010, Savannah, Georgia.