The Nonprofit Organization Lookup from Melissa Data is searchable by ZIP code.
Refer to the Foundation Center's Links to Nonprofit Resources for useful advice on management, fundraising, and developing volunteers. To locate foundations and other grant-making organizations, search the Foundation Directory Online. (Rutgers-restricted access)
For manufacturers and distributors of industrial products and services, search the ThomasNet directory. For manufacturers, distributors, professionals, and service providers in the building and construction industries, use The Blue Book.
Use the Accounting Research Manager for accounting and auditing information from the AICPA and FASB. (Rutgers-restricted access)
A series of online tutorials covering many Principles of Marketing are available from
Refer to N.J. Regulations from the New Jersey Administrative Code for requirements for specific business activities e.g. N.J.A.C. 8:43A, Ambulatory Care Facilities.
To do business with the State of New Jersey, start at the State Contracting business portal. Business opportunities with individual county governments have to be looked up separately, e.g. County of Essex, Office of Purchasing.
The New Jersey State Government Website also provides links to County and Municipal Web Sites in the state. [ Incidently, the New Jersey State League of Municipalities offers a Web Advisory Service ].
For listings of licensed professionals and businesses in many fields, use the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs License Verification System.