The primary site for accessing Census Bureau data, including upcoming releases from the American Community Survey, the Economic Census, the 2020 Census, and more.
A free data tool that provides users with fast, easy access to a variety of statistics and information about New Jersey. The data is gathered from numerous sources throughout the state and beyond. Users can create customized data tables based on their individual areas of interest. Geographies include all 565 municipalities within New Jersey, the 21 counties, 40 legislative districts, 12 congressional districts, and the state as a whole. Topics are organized within 12 indicators and are comprised of over 70 variables.
Look at the DATA link on this page for a series of useful reports, including data on enrollment, certified and non-certified staff, Special Education, etc.
Includes school district and state reports; New Jersey School Report Cards from 1994-95 to the most current; and Highly Qualified Teacher Survey Results. Best source for data on NJ schools and districts.
An online data and mapping application with access to over 10,000 indicators related to demographics, housing, income, crime, mortgages, health, jobs, and more. Data is accessible in interactive maps, tables, charts, and reports
Uses an interactive mapping tool to provide access to several major sources of demographic data: the U.S. Decennial Census of population and housing, the American Community Survey, and data on religion from InfoGroup and the Religious Congregations and Membership Study.
Provides a comprehensive summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic organization of the United States. Divided into broad sections such as Population; Health and Nutrition; Labor Force, Employment, and Earnings; Foreign Commerce and Aid; and many others
Foundation Directory Online is one of the more popular resources. Provides information on more than 100,000 foundations, corporate giving programs, and grant making public charities in the US. Foundation entries include links to the 990 form filed with the Internal revenue service, providing fiscal data for the foundation, names of trustees and officers, application information, and a complete grants list.
Searchable database of research funding opportunities available funding from federal, non-federal, and international sponsors in all disciplines.
Rutgers Funders
If your proposal addresses a problem at Rutgers–parking, the bus system, the dining halls, the residence halls, student life, or academic programs–one of the administrative offices at the University might be your best patron.