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Scientific & Technical Writing Research Guide (ENG 355:302 )/Writing for Business and Professions (ENG 355:303)

A budget is a categorical list of anticipated project costs that represent the best estimates of the funds needed to support the work described in a proposal. A budget consists of all direct costs, facilities and administrative costs, and cost sharing commitments proposed.

Budget Now = Assessment Tool Later

  • Over the course of the project, many different stakeholders are going to review the budget, and refer back to it.
  • The decisions made now at the proposal stage will continue through the life of the project, and others will make decisions based on it at future stages.
  • Therefore, it is time well spent to prepare a reasonable budget.
  • A reasonable budget is one that is based upon actual costs when possible.
  • It should include the costs of any personnel, supplies, and activities. If major cost areas are omitted or underestimated, the project, as proposed, will not be considered feasible.
  • The budget will become an integral part of the obligation to the sponsor/investor, particularly regarding time/effort commitments.

Budget details usually reveal whether a proposed project has been carefully planned and may ultimately be feasible. Budget information about planned activities and staffing provides reviewers with an in-depth picture of how the project will be structured and managed.

Budget Resources

Salary Information

Facilities & Administrative Rates

General Office Supplies
