Descriptions and links to data source collections that provide access to data sets relating to juvenile offending, victimization, and contact with the juvenile justice system. Includes data relating to characteristics of violent juvenile offenders, student victimization at school, sexual activity, and substance use. Data sources include official records and self-report data from surveys.
Statista integrates statistical data from over 80,000 topics in a wide array of disciplines. The reports, charts, infographics, and statistics found in the database can be downloaded in Excel, PDF, PNG, or PowerPoint formats or embedded in web pages. Rutgers-restricted Access
Access to data from more than 70 organizational sources. Most data series focus on recent years and a few prior decades, although some data series extend back to the 19th century. Rutgers-restricted Access
Sarah Hockenberry and Charles Puzzanchera. June 2021.
Statistics on juvenile delinquency cases and petitioned status offense cases processed between 2005 and 2019 by U.S. courts with juvenile jurisdiction.
Data on the characteristics of youth residential placement facilities, including detailed information about facility operation, classification, size, and capacity.
Part of BJS's National Prison Rape Statistics Program, which gathers mandated data on the incidence and prevalence of sexual assault in juvenile facilities.
Samantha Ehrman, Nina Hyland, and Charles Puzzanchera. Juvenile Justice Statistics: National Report Series Bulletin April, 2019.
"Statistics on girls in the juvenile justice system from three national data collections, covering their involvement from arrest through residential placement. It also provides an analysis of trends and case processing in addition to characteristics of the youth studied and their offenses.
"The National Gang Center (NGC) conducted an annual survey of law enforcement agencies between 1996–2012 to assess the extent of gang problems by measuring the presence, characteristics, and behaviors of local gangs in jurisdictions throughout the United States."
Tool allows you to generate tables and figures of arrest data from 1980 onward. You can view national arrest estimates, customized either by age and sex or by age group and race, for many offenses. This tool also enables you to view data on local arrests.