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Latina/o/x Literature and Culture

Multidisciplinary Databases

Google Scholar
Searches a wide range of scholarly (and non-scholarly) literature worldwide. Use this link to see "Get it@R" links when off-campus.
Academic Search Premier
The basic multidisciplinary index; especially good source for book reviews. Rutgers-restricted Access
ProQuest Social Sciences Premium Collection
Index to over 10,000 social science titles, including journal articles, books, dissertations, proceedings, and government publications; full-text access to over 1800 journals. International and interdisciplinary in scope. Among other databases includes PAIS International and Worldwide Political Science Abstracts, the primary databases for political science and public policy. Rutgers-restricted Access
JSTOR provides electronic access to back runs, many back to the 19th century or earlier, of more than 2000 important scholarly journals in a variety of disciplines. JSTOR does not include current issues of journals; generally the most recently published issue of any current journal will not appear in JSTOR until 3-5 years after the publishing date. Rutgers current access is to ten of the twelve JSTOR Arts and Sciences collections. Rutgers-restricted access