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Mass Incarceration and Prisoner Reentry

Data on European Countries

European Sourcebook of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics 2014
With 2017 amendments.
SPACE 1: Council of Europe Annual Penal Statistics
Data on prison populations and the penal institutions in which they are held for Council of Europe countries. Annual reports from 1998 to the present.
SPACE 2: Council of Europes Annual Penal Statistics
Data on persons serving non-custodial and semi-custodial sanctions and measures (Persons under the supervision of probation agencies). Annual reports from 1999 to the present.
European Judicial Systems: CEPEJ Evaluation Report: Part 2: Country Profiles
European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice, 2022.
"49 different country profiles for all Council of Europe member States/entities participating in this evaluation cycle and 3 observer countries. These country profiles present the key elements of information allowing to understand the functioning of the judicial system of each member State/entity or observer State. "
Eurostat: Crime and Criminal Justice
Includes Police-recorded offences by type of crime; Homicide victims by age, gender, and relationship to offender; Offenders by justice process stage (suspected, prosecuted, convicted) and by age and gender; Personnel by institution (police, prosecution, courts, and prisons) by gender; Legal cases by type and stage; Prisoners by age, gender and citizenship; Prison capacity and occupancy. Data for EU Member States, the United Kingdom, EFTA Countries, EU Candidate Countries, and EU Potential Candidates."

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