Information about prison systems throughout the world, including prison populations and prison population rates, the use of imprisonment for women and juveniles, trend data on pre-trial/remand prison populations, prison overcrowding, and the national ministries responsible for prisons.
Catherine Heard and Jessica Jacobson. London, Institute for Crime & Justice Policy Research, January 2021.
"This report examines the extent and nature of international disparities in custodial sentencing...The ten jurisdictions which are the focus of this research span all five continents: Kenya, South Africa, Brazil, the USA (and more specifically, New York State), India, Thailand, England and Wales, Hungary, the Netherlands, and Australia (more specifically, New South Wales)." The Appendix includes vignettes with likely outcomes for each country.
Catherine Heard and Helen Fair. London, Institute for Crime & Justice Policy Research, November 2019.
"This report presents our research on the use of pre-trial imprisonment in ten contrasting jurisdictions: Kenya, South Africa, Brazil, the United States of America, India, Thailand, England & Wales, Hungary, the Netherlands and Australia. A key objective of the research is to learn from disparities in the use of pre-trial imprisonment across the ten countries and to identify transferable lessons about how to prevent its misuse."
Jessica Jacobson, Catherine Heard, and Helen Fair. London, Institute for Criminal Policy Research, March 2017.
"This report looks at patterns of imprisonment in ten contrasting jurisdictions across all five continents of the world." Countries: Kenya, South Africa, Brazil, the United States of America, India, Thailand, England & Wales, Hungary, the Netherlands and Australia.
Annual report on the judicial use of the death penalty. "Amnesty International reports only on executions, death sentences and other aspects of the use of the death penalty, such as commutations and exonerations, where there is reasonable confirmation. In many countries governments do not publish information on their use of the death penalty."