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Babs Siperstein Humanities & Medicine Seminar - Focus on Transgender

2018-2019 Seminars

FEBRUARY 19, 2018

Reading and Discussion from book George (2015) by Alex Gino

Presenters: Dan Delmonaco and Kayo Denda. Event Information and presenters' brief bio


NOVEMBER 19, 2018

LGBTQ Students: Case Studies from the UK and Social Wellbeing

Presenter: Mark Schuster, Dean of Graduate Studient Life. Event information.


DECEMBER 10, 2018

Graphic Medicine and Transgender Patients

Presenter: Dan Delmonaco. Event information and presenter bio


FEBRUARY 4, 2019

The Pregnant Transgender Man: Medical and Social Aspects to Consider

Presenter: Dr. Justin Brandt. Event Information and presenter's bio. Link to PPT presentation


APRIL 22, 2019

Transgender Partner: Navigating a Long-Term Relationship

Presenter: Dorothy Crouch. Event information and presenter's bio


MAY 14, 2019

Reflecting on a Meaningful Journey: Dr. Anne Koch

Presenter: Dr. Anne Koch. Event information and presenter's bio


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