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Education and Social Change in the Black Diaspora

Why Newspapers?

Newspapers allow you to keep up with current issues and events. You can also use historical newspapers to find out how issues and events were reported during a specific time in history.

Newspapers: U.S. and Elsewhere

Access World News
Access to the full text of over 2,200 North American and over 1,200 international newspapers. Rutgers-restricted Access
Westlaw Campus Research
"News" portion indexes the full text of many newspapers.Rutgers-restricted Access
A vast archive which includes the full-text of 8,000 leading newspapers(including the New York Times), magazines, trade journals, newsletters, and television and radio transcripts. Twenty to thirty year+ backfile for many titles. Rutgers-restricted Access.
Newspaper Source Plus
A collection of current (late 20th century to the present) news sources from around the world, including over 1200 full-text newspapers, 150 newswires, news magazines, television and radio transcripts, news video clips, and more. Television and radio news transcript sources include ABC News (United States), ABC (Australia), CBC (Canada), CBS News, CNBC, CNN, CNN International, FOX News, MSNBC, NPR, and PBS. Rutgers-restricted Access.
The Times Digital Archive (London, England)
Search and display the full image of articles published between 1785 and 2014. Rutgers-restricted Access

African American & Ethnic Press

Ethnic NewsWatch
Full text collection of articles from newspapers, magazines and journals of the ethnic, minority and native press back to 1960. Rutgers-restricted Access.

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