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Data Science - Graduate Specialists

Github Workshop Materials

Intro to Github and Git - Here is the link to the online Github repository containing the workshop's slides.

Past Workshop Descriptions

In AY 2018-2019, Aditya Vyas served as Open Science and Reproducible Research Graduate Specialist, and developed and taught the following workshops.

Open Science with Github and Zenodo

Scientists are frequently required to share the products of their funded research. Learn how to use the freely available Github platform for project management and collaboration, and connect your Github project to the open Zenodo repository to share your work, and make it citable with a permanent Digital Object Identifier (DOI). No previous experience is necessary.


Intro to Github and Git

This was a beginner level workshop aimed at introducing the participants to Github and Git - two of the most used softwares for project management across various industries and research sectors. It took them from initial setting up of Github account, creating their own individual repositories and finally collaborating with each other on a common Github repository.