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SWOT Analysis

Explains and highlights resources to build a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) Analysis


Opportunities are favorable external factors that could provide a competitive advantage for a company. Examples include:

  • Tax/tariff cuts
  • Demographics
  • Underserved customer needs/preferences
  • Promotion techniques
  • Diversification
  • Sustainability

See this article, 23 Examples of SWOT Opportunities for more specific examples.

Market Research

The databases below provide market research and statistics such as growth rates and consumer trends to help determine a company's opportunities. When searching them, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. What can be used to improve operations? 
  2. How can core operations be expanded?
  3. What new market segments can be explored?

Using Government Data

Done every five years by the Census Bureau, the Economic Census provides comprehensive and detailed statistics on employer businesses and serves as the benchmark for nearly every business survey conducted by the Census Bureau. It was last done in 2017 and statistics continued to roll out throughout 2020.

Compare manufacturing data over time via the Industrial Statistics Database: INDSTAT 4. Located on the UNIDO (UN Industrial Development Organization) platform, it contains manufacturing sector data from 1990 to the present.


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