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Library Instruction Continuity Resources

This LibGuide will provide information and resources to continue bibliographic instruction remotely until in-person classes resume.

Online Reading Lists

The "Reading Lists" tool, integrated into Canvas, leverages the power of Ex Libris Leganto and QuickSearch to develop content-diverse reading lists. Librarians and instructors can collaboratively create and process reading lists, and collect citations. Students can easily view and access the citations related to their courses.

This software organizes library resources into easy-to-use course reading lists that include all library resources. It integrates electronic articles, streaming media, digitized content, physical materials and more into a single list so students can access all their course materials in one place. Instructors also have greater control over the display and organization of content in their reading lists and can build and update lists during the semester. 

This guide contains links to YouTube videos that show instructors how to apply and launch the Library Reading List tool in Canvas.  There are also videos and documentation which instructors can print out for reference.

For Canvas


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