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Academic Mentoring at SEBS

This guide serves as the central hub for the library instruction component for the first-year Academic Mentoring course at SEBS.

Class Activity Part 1. Find details about a challenged book

Find a book in Rutgers University Libraries, preferably banned, see lists and examples below.

  1. SEARCH RUL resources by going to the Libraries' website and typing in the title, preferably in quotes, in the QuickSearch search box, e.g., "Animal farm" to find the bibliographic record.
    TIP: You can use the ADVANCED option and add the author for quick results
  2. Click on the title to open the full record. You will see a lot of details.
  3. Click on the citation symbol " to get the proper citation. Select APA (7th) style. Save the citation to use it for your poster later.
  4. Scroll down to see availability and location. (For this exercise, let’s use print, instead of ebooks). You will see the name of the library, such as Alexander, Douglass, etc, the actual location, such as Stacks or Reference, and a combination of letters and numbers, which is a Library of Congress (LC) call number, e.g., PR6029.R8O79a 1990. Save all information.

HINT: you are learning how to use QuickSearch, which provides access to library resources - a useful skill for your future studies!!

Class Activity Part 2. Create a poster

1. CREATE POSTER Using one of the suggested templates (or designing your own), add the following mandatory data to your poster:

  • Something catchy: the title, a quote, a picture ( see Poster Gallery for examples)
  • The full citation, APA style, use the CITATION under Share from QuickSearch result, fix typos or missing info, if necessary (link to Guide on APA style)
  • 1-2 sentences why this book was challenged or why you picked this book (quote, like, dislike, memories, language, style, etc.)
  • Holding: library location with the full Library of Congress call number, online access with link, etc. - as you found in the previous step
  • One image (illustration, book cover, your photo, a selfie with the book in hand or in the library, etc) with image credits (created by XYZ, retrieved from ..., photo taken by...., etc.

2. OPTIONAL If you have time, feel free to add any of the optional items: anything you fancy, such as

  • more images or book art - remember to add image credit
  • QR code to the catalog record at RUL - use permanent link, aka PERMALINK under share (online QR code generator)
  • quote from a book review with proper citation (same APA style)

3. SUBMIT POSTER                                  

  • Find your file in the  Download folder
  • SUBMIT your poster via that ridiculously large red button above

4. STAY TUNED! VISIT the online gallery again in a few weeks to see your poster

  • The best posters will be displayed in Chang Library and online by the end of the semester

Lists and examples of Banned Books posters

Want to start with examples from previous years?

Browse lists of challenged books on the American Library Association's website. Select a book that is meaningful to you.

On permanent display in Chang Library

Posters submitted for this course will be displayed online and at Chang. See posters from previous sessions.

On display in Douglass Library since Fall 2022 - Updated in September 2023


Previous exhibition in Art Library (Fall 2022 - Spring 2023)