There are numerous ways to cite an image. Images used for art history papers will vary from those that are used for in class presentations and particularly from those used in scientific research papers. It is important to stick to one format while citing images. For example, if your paper is in MLA format, your images should be cited in the same manner. Regardless of what an image database or image distributing websites policies, you should cite the source of the image because they might change over time and you should attribute credit to a work if it is not yours.
The example below taken from the Cornell Library Image Research guide shows how to cite a general image in the APA format. A similar format can be applied for using images in an Art History paper if they are in the APA format.
Penfield, E. (1908). Cornell [Poster]. New York Public Library Art and Architecture Collection, Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs. (Posters. New York, 1890s-1907. / E. Penfield, Leaf 62). Retrieved from New York Public Library Digital Gallery.
The example below taken from the Lake Forest College Research Guide shows the citation technique for an image in the APA format.
Figure 1. B. pertussis by
J. L. Carson, 2003. Used
with permission. ¹
¹ From “Three genomes and whooping cough,” by E. R. Winstead, 2003, Genome News Network . Copyright 2000 - 2004 by the J. Craig Venter Institute. Reproduced with permission of the photographer. Available at whooping_cough.php
The re-use of images for educational purposes (not including print or electronic publication of any kind) is generally considered acceptable under the terms of fair use. If you wish to publish images online or in print, even if for educational purposes, you will first need to determine whether or not the image is protected by copyright, then find out how to get copyright clearance. The following link provides a comprehensive Fair Use Checklist which acts as a road map in determining the fair use of images.
The Checklist is licensed by a Creative Commons Attribution License with attribution to the original creators of the checklist Kenneth D. Crews (formerly of Columbia University) and Dwayne K. Buttler (University of Louisville).
Further information pertaining to Rutgers copyright policies can be obtained through the following link.
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