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Douglass College Student Life: Dance with Dads

This guide includes pamphlets and other resources from the "Dance with Dads" from 1950s to 1970s.

Overview of the Date with Dad Event

The Annual Date with Dad event at Douglass lasted from 1954-2007, spanning very different eras within Douglass student life.

All Douglass students were welcome to attend, and their fathers were encouraged to as well, of course. The event originally consisted of fathers going to classes, watching a sports game, a father-daughter dance, and the daughters treating their fathers to dinner. Each year had a different theme, some of which will be explored in different tabs.

The evolution of the Date with Dad event is very interesting, and will be explored in this site from different perspectives including alumnae accounts and historical insights.

Cover of the 1954 Date with Dad Program

About the Creator

Allie Kroeper (DRC 2015) spent the spring 2015 semester searching for information regarding the Date with Dad event at Douglass. She searched College Hall for records and interviewed alumnae as part of her research.


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