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Quantitative Finance

This guide is designed for the special needs of students in the MQF program at the Rutgers Business School.

Sources to Help You Keep Up to Date

The Wall Street Journal

The Wall Street Journal online will be available to all Rutgers students, faculty, and staff until March 2020. Rutgers University's site license also includes unlimited access to and the WSJ app, informative podcasts, complimentary WSJ+ membership and more.
Above is the URL that students, faculty and staff can use to activate memberships. Once your membership is activated, you can download the mobile app or login on your laptop and use seamlessly.

The Wall Street Journal through Factiva (Rutgers restricted)

Sign in to the Factiva database and click on the NEWS PAGES tab.  Wall Street Journal front page stories are listed first.  You may drop the tab that says FRONT PAGE to find today's stories in other sections of the paper.  Also searchable back to June 1979 through the SEARCH tab.

New York Times

The New York Times (Rutgers-restricted acces)


Factiva includes the New York Times from 1980 to the present (Rutgers-restricted access)


A free vwebsite forThe Finaincial Times  can be reached at  .



20 Best Quantitative Finance Blogs All Masters Grads Should Know


For more ways to keep up, see our library guide on Business News.


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