The United States Patent and Trademark Office provides basic information about registering a federal trademark on its web page. There are videos provided on trademark searching in in the new database. Go to and scroll down.
First time filer? Confused by trademark application terms? Trying to fill out the TEAS form, but not sure which buttons to push and fields to complete? For your convenience, the USPTO presents TEAS Nuts and Bolts, a how-to video series that provides information about each page of the TEAS application form. Each video shows how the form is used and provides examples.
The USPTO Trademark Center page is here: Please note the USPTO is in the process of updating this page.
There is a backlog of applications and this page reports when new applications will be reviewed. For more information on wait times and the application process, see this page:
The Choose and Register your business page from the SBA gives useful information about trade names and trademarks.
Applicants interested in filing for trademark protection in foreign countries will find basic information about international registration from the World Intellectual Property Organization. A brief video about protecting a trademark worldwide is available from the Madrid Goods and Services Manager web page.
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