Citations and abstracts for journal articles, books, research papers, conference papers, technical reports, policy papers, dissertations, theses, and other materials in the field of education.
To search, enter rst=(code for the newspaper) and your search terms.
Codes: Washington Post-wp; Times-nytf; Wall Street Journal-j
rst=wp and flu epidemic
rst=nytf and flu epidemic
rst=j and flu epidemic
Searches peer-reviewed papers, dissertations, books, preprints, reports from academic publishers, professional societies, universities and other scholarly organizations. It is highly recommended that you use more that *just* google scholar when searching the academic literature.
Indexes major journals in the sciences, social sciences and humanities. Can also be used to find who has cited a particular author and to track trends in the literature.
Full text back runs of more than 2,000 scholarly journals in all disciplines, including history, sociology, philosophy, political science, economics, and more.