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SAS Honors Beloved Community

Creating an Art Exhibit

6 steps for organizing an art exhibition

  1. Develop a theme: in this case your theme is the “SAS Honors Beloved Community”
  2. Recruit artists and choose pieces: in this case each section will create one work of art for the exhibit. There are 9 sections total.
  3. Pitch the gallery: the gallery will be the Rutgers Art Library Exhibition Spaces (RALES).
  4. Write a press release: who will write the press release for the exhibit? Ideally this person(s) will also work with Chuck Keaton, and Megan Lotts to create the press.  You can see examples of press releases on the Art Library Exhibit guide or consider visiting the Zimmerli Art Museum virtually or in person to read press releases about their exhibits.
  5. Install the artwork: who will be the team that will work with Chuck Keaton and Megan Lotts to install the exhibit.
  6. Hold an opening: think about what a reception or opening looks like.  Then consider any Rutgers COVID-19 regulations that might prevent eating, and drinking. Will anyone speak at this event? Also think about masks and social distancing. Who will be invited?

Exhibit signage & labels

Creating signage and labels for an exhibit are important.  Ideally viewers will want to know who are the artists, what is the medium, when the work was made, as well as some general information about the exhibit.  One might even include a copy of the press release. Consider visiting the Zimmerli Art Museum to see an example of how they use signage and labels.

When creating labels:

  1. Consider creating a standard for all labels.  Use the same font, styles, and create an example or template which everyone can use. Think about the font.  Are you following font and text accessibility standards? Will your labels also have images and descriptions of the work?
  2. If you have a website will you also include a QR code or short link making it easier for viewer to access the link?