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RUL-NB Stories

RUL-New Brunswick Remote Working Gallery...

Shina jumped in on my webex

Connecting with neighbors through art, at a distance. Blue crocus whirligig, and a herd of saw horses and deer.

Dee Magnoni and her cat Gizmo

Megan Lotts pups Sheriff Woodrow Wilson & Logan

My cat Tally's commentary on watching me at work! [He doesn't jump, so he's easily kept away from my desk/computer set up]

Maine Coon cat named Bean takes my pencil and tries to remove my teabag. Both are needed for effective work.

Rob Krack's cat Kuromi

Rico is enjoying the work at home experience. He really appreciates the many opportunities to stand (or sleep!) on the keyboard tray while I'm trying to type.

No pets, no partners -- All I have to keep me company is my house plants, including the ones I brought home from the office! The silver squill are blooming nicely right now.

Beni dog on phone duty

The cherry trees in bloom in front of my house.

This is my "grandkitty" Smudge. He wants to help me work, if he could just pick up that pen.

1) My work station. 2) I never get natural light when I work, so I am enjoying having sunlight!

Exterior Colleague

My (Becky Diamond) sweet cat Fresno keeping me company as I'm working. He's our rescue (he came from a hoarding situation in Trenton) and is my shadow.

Ryan Womack featuring Harbaatar or Cora

My roommates just got a new puppy, Millie, and she's been helping me do some work :)

Here is where Janet Croft works when answering email, doing chat reference, and editing and researching! "I have a nice view of my library and my back porch, and I have a bulletin board full of personal mementos and my important reference books to hand. A

Nosy yearlings; no social distancing for them! Also featuring Laura Mullen.

Connie Wu is sending supplies to China.

Working from Home with help from my fabulous coworkers Ava and Mr. Dazzle

Caterina Agostini's cat Gina is working from home, too. She has her home office in a cozy log cabin. She protects both of us by looking out of the window. She also knows the importance of relaxing, taking a nap on the couch or the heater, and, overall, ju

Tim Corlis and his family social distancing over a meal on Easter.

Tim Corlis doing some home Conservation during COVID-19

Nana Tokar

Fred Onorato and his cat Clio

Gina Meister on duty

Lucy Mills (Chiaki Mills) cat.

Laura Friday's home office.

Laura Palumbo's new feline supervisor Tribble, napping on the job. (If you aren't a Star Trek fan, see

Time to relax on the sofa, It's exhausting watching my humans work all day.