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Music Education

General guide to print and online resources for music education

Reference Sources in Education (from the Guide to Education)

Digital Reference Collections

Gale Virtual Reference Library [Rutgers Restricted]

Sage eReference Encyclopedias [Rutgers Restricted]


Examples of Individual Digital Reference Titles

Encyclopedia of Applied Developmental Science [Rutgers Restricted]
Covers topics such as: adolescent, adult, child, and infant development; ads training and education; culture and diversity; developmental assessment, disorders, processes, and risks; the ecology of human development; emotional, social, and personality development; ethics; families and parenting; health; historical influences; organizations, schools and universities; religiosity and spirituality; research methodology; social issues; and more.

Encyclopedia of Behavior Modification and Cognitive Behavior Therapy [Rutgers Restricted]
"Provides a thorough examination of the components of behavior modification, behavior therapy, cognitive behavior therapy, and applied behavior analysis for both child and adult populations in a variety of settings. Although the focus is on technical applications, entries also provide the historical context in which behavior therapists have worked, including research issues and strategies. Entries on assessment, ethical concerns, theoretical differences, and the unique contributions of key figures in the movement (including B. F. Skinner, Joseph Wolpe, Aaron T. Beck, and many others) are also included."

Encyclopedia of Educational Psychology [Rutgers Restricted]
"Draws from a variety of disciplines including psychology, anthropology, education, sociology, public health, school psychology, counseling, history, and philosophy."

Encyclopedia of Giftedness, Creativity, and Talent [Rutgers Restricted]
"Contains thousands of ready-to-use facts from the fields of education, psychology, sociology, and the arts. The entries cover the major facets of this field, from artistic ability, to achievement motivation, to creative personality, to emotional intelligence, gender differences, genius, intelligence testing, learning styles, minority under-representation, multiple intelligences, musical ability, prodigies, scientists, self-actualization, thinking skills, and more."

Encyclopedia of Human Development [Rutgers Restricted]
Includes information from the "fields of psychology, individual and family studies, and education." An electronic version of the 3 volume print resource, the set "covers topics as diverse as adolescence, cognitive development, education, family, gender differences, identity, longitudinal research, personality development, prenatal development, temperament, and more."

Encyclopedia of the Social and Cultural Foundations of Education [Rutgers Restricted]
"Intended to provide a comprehensive background for those interested in issues involving schools and society."

21st Century Education: A Reference Handbook [Rutgers Restricted]
Provides "a general understanding of the issues of utmost importance in education in the 21st century. The text is a combination of historical reviews, current debates, and pending issues of concern at the classroom, state, and federal levels, with sections devoted to students, their teachers, professional staff, the educational context of curriculum and learning, and current and future issues."

Print Reference in Music

Oxford Handbooks in Music Education


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