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Foundations in Medical Sciences

Foundations in Medical Sciences block courses Cells to Structure (C2S) and Principles of Pharmacology, Disease, & Defense (PPDD) cover fundamental basic science concepts needed by physicians to make diagnostic and therapeutic decisions for patients.

Evaluating Background Resources

What is background information?

When you need general information about a disease, condition, symptom, or disease process, you should ask background questions. 

Examples: What causes migraines?  What are the available treatments for type 2 diabetes?

Background information will provide you with basic information and is not appropriate for answering clinical questions about a specific patient.

Background questions are best answered by medical textbooks, book chapters, and narrative review articles.

Basic Sciences e-Book Collection

Resources for Locating Background Information

Locate background information online using library resources such as e-textbooks, evidence summaries, drug directories, guides to diagnostic tests, and review articles.


Tips for Writing Learning Objectives


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