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The Fifties

Resources for History Workshop, the Fifties. Professor Rachel Devlin

Images from the 1950s

Douglass students in the Orchesis Modern Dance Group. Quair 1957.

Dean Mary Bunting and her family. Bunting became the third Dean of Douglass College in 1955. She was a widow with four children. Quair 1957

Douglass students in the WRSU Rutgers Radio Station. Quair 1959.

Douglass College graduation. Students and their dates (1950s).

First-year Douglass College students in the early 1950s were still required to wear “dinks” during the first weeks of classes.

Selman Waksman. Rutgers graduate and faculty. He was the recipient of the 1952 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for the discovery of of streptomycin, the first antibiotic effective against tuberculosis.

New Jersey Digital Highway. Seabrook Educational and Cultural Center Collection Beauty Shop (1950s).

New Jersey Digital Highway. Seabrook Educational and Cultural Center Collection. Marathon Line (1950s).

Advertising of new homes in Piscataway, NJ (1950s).

Advertising for new homes in Piscataway, NJ (1950s).

Cooper Hall, Douglass Campus. Situated at the corner of George Street and Nichols Avenue, Cooper housed student dining, classrooms and administrative offices. It was demolished in the 1970s (1950s).

The commuter cafeteria at Douglass College, also known as “beehive” had the best food on campus(1950s).
