If you follow all of the steps to the right, and do not receive a confirmation e-mail from CAS within 15 minutes of creating your account, check your junk folder. If the e-mail is not there, then please call the CAS Helpline at 1-800-753-4227 from 8:00 am until midnight weekdays. CAS will send you another e-mail so that you can confirm your account. If you have any other difficulties registering for an account, call the CAS Helpline during their open hours.
Once you find your article, to get full text you need to click on the dropdown at the bottom left which says "Full Text". Select Full Text Search. This will open another window telling you if full text is available at Rutgers. (All of the articles in your assignment should be available, and you should be linked automatically to the journal site.) You may need to turn off your pop-up blocker if the window doesn't open.
Register for CAS SciFinder-n at least one week before the due date of your assignment following the instructions below. Log in to CAS SciFinder-n.
Here are the steps to creating your SciFinder-n account.
In order to access SciFinder-n, you will first need to create an account. Navigate to Scifinder via the Libraries website: Libraries home > Find a Database (to the right of the search box) > Jump to: C > CAS SciFinder-n > About CAS SciFinder-n. (This is the link under the description- do not click on the title.) The direct link is:
Under the Connection note on this page it says "New users who have never had a SciFinder account, please create an account by registering with your Rutgers email address." Click where it says registering to be taken to the page where you may register for an account. You must be on campus to register for an account, or using a Rutgers VPN.
Once there, click Next, and then Accept the license agreement. Then select Rutgers - New Brunswick. Fill out the registration using a valid Rutgers e-mail address. Do not use your netID and Password for your SciFinder-n account, it should be something different. You will receive instructions on how to complete your registration via e-mail. Follow the instructions and connect to SciFinder-n by logging in with the username/password you created.
Browser requirements for SciFinder-n can be found here: https://www.cas.org/solutions/cas-scifinder-discovery-platform/cas-scifinder/cas-scifinder-n/system-requirements
If you have any problems with the above, please contact Laura Palumbo at laura.palumbo@rutgers.edu, or the CAS Help Center at 1-800-753-4227 from 8:00 a.m. to midnight weekdays.