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The Study of Political Science (50:790:102)

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The libraries have many different indexes and databases with access to full text articles and citations. 

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Articles that are not available electronically may be available for Article Delivery.

Looking for Empirical Studies? Check for these words: this study, control group, participants, sample, respondents, methodology


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Google Scholar

Not everything on Google Scholar is peer-reviewed. It is not possible to filter only to peer-reviewed, so pay attention to your sources! Google Scholar also does not contain ALL the scholarship, especially the most recent articles that may be available in a library database.

Google Scholar automatically places AND between words:  zombie library  (This will conduct a search for zombie and library)

Exact Phrase Searching: Enter the phrase in quotation marks:  "zombie apocalypse"

Search related words: ~library (This will conduct a search for library, libraries, librarian)

Search for alternative words: use OR (must be caps), with terms in parentheses: 

Limit to specific sites: limit to specific sites such as .org/.edu/.gov at end of search type site: type you wish to limit to ex: "zombie apocalypse" site: .org

Search for alternate terms using OR, with the terms enclosed in parentheses: (zombie OR undead)


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2. Library Links- Choose Rutgers in order to see what is available to you via Rutgers subscriptions.


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