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Gender, Nation, and Literature in South Asia - Library Research

Instructor: Preetha Mani 01:013:430

What is RefWorks?

Rutgers subscribes RefWorks for you!

RefWorks is a Web-based citation management software. With RefWorks, you can create your own research database and generate bibliographies or works cited lists in a specified style such as APA.  All of the sources listed under the Finding Journals tab will allow you to export references to RefWorks.

Manage your citations, Create Biblographies, ANNOTATIONS & more...

Citation Formatting Tools

RefWorks [Rutgers Restricted]
A web-based research management tool that allows you to import references from many electronic databases and catalogs, include citations in your paper, build a bibliography using a variety of citation styles, and create a bibliography in a choice of formats. With video tutorials.

NCSU Libraries Citation Builder (APA, MLA, CSE)
Generates bibliographic citations in APA, MLA, or CSE format based on information you enter into a web form.

Son of Citation Machine (APA, MLA, Chicago, Turabian)
Generates bibliographic citations in APA, MLA, Chicago, or Turabian format based on information you enter into a web form.

A free, open-source research management tool that is a Firefox add on. It enables you to collect, manage, and cite research sources. To get started go to the Zotero Quick Start Guide.


Sign up for a RefWorks account here

Tutorials on Using RefWorks

Here are videos to help you learn more about using RefWorks!