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Methods and Techniques of Social Research (50:920:30/301)

Recommended APA Style Guide

Additional APA Information

APA Publication Manual

Please also note that the 7th edition publication manual is not available for institutional site license purchase, so there is not an option for purchase by the Rutgers University Libraries for the entire Rutgers community in online format. The sites listed will provide guidance and examples.

  • APA Style: Includes resources related to the Publication manual of the American Psychological Association including guidelines and instructional aids.
  • APA Style Guide to Electronic References: A revised and updated version of section 4.16, pages 268-281, of the fifth edition of the Publication manual of the American Psychological Association.
  • Notable changes from 6th to 7th edition.


Bibliographic Tools

There are a variety of citation management tools for assisting in the collecting and organizing of your research and the creation of your bibliography. Always be sure to double check all of your automatically generated bibliographies against the style guidelines.


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