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Three Centuries of American Poetry

Three Centuries of American Poetry

Heading upriver

Alone by the Schuylkill a wan-
    derer rov'd
And bright were its flowery banks to
    his eye
But far, very far were the friends
    that he lov'd
And he gaz'd on its flowery banks with
    a sigh.

- excerpt from "A Farewell to Philadephia" by Thomas Moore

The city's painted skirts were seen,
Through clouds of smoke ascending high,
While on the Schuylkill's glassy scene
Canoes and sloops were heard to ply.

There upward where it gently bends,
And Say's red fortress tow'rs in view,
The floating bridge its length extends
A living scene for ever new.

-  excerpt from "A Rural Walk" by Alexander Wilson

The streets are wide, and in a line direct;
The angles right where they do intersect;
The footway pav'd nicely with bricks and tiles,
From north to south, nearly two English miles;
And from both rivers to the centre street,
Nam'd, first, second, and so on till they meet....

 - excerpt from Travels through America by Michael Forrest



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