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Obstetrics and Gynecology

This guide contains links to useful Obstetrics & Gynecology resources.

Practitioner Resources


American Pregnancy Association - A national health organization committed to resolving reproductive, pregnancy and sexual health concerns through education, research, advocacy and community awareness.

FastStats - Women's Health - General and health related statistics from the CDC's National Center for Health Statistics

The Foundation for Exxcellence in Women's Health Care - Provides professional development support and resources for Ob/Gyn practioners. 

Global Library of Women's Medicine - A free resource designed to support the medical profession in their care of women. Largely volunteer run by clinicians, the site provides quality, peer reviewed medical information on many Ob/Gyn topics.

MDLinx - ObGyn - Internet Web site designed to keep obstetrics and gynecology professionals informed of daily medical developments. (Medical News site) - Information on health conditions that effect women, including cancer, eating disorders, menstruation, menopause, migraines, and sexuality. There's a section on medical procedures, such as hysterectomy and mammograms. An annotated list of other health related links is also available.

OncoLink's Gynecologic Cancers - Comprehensive information about specific types of cancer, updates on cancer treatments and news about research advances. Information updated everyday and provides information at various levels, from introductory to in-depth. (U. Penn Cancer Center) - Information, resources, and calculators for maternal-fetal medicine specialists.

PeriStats - offers state-specific perinatal data, including detailed data for the largest cities and counties in the United States, aggregated from 11 government agencies and organizations.

Martindale's The "Virtual" Medical Center: Obstetrics, Pediatrics and Gynecology Center - A medical multimedia education and specialized information resource center that includes links to a wide variety of resources including courses, tutorials, cases, teaching files, handbooks, and databases. Part of Martindale's Health Science Guide, developed by Jim Martindale and hosted by University of California, Irvine.

Patient Information - A nonprofit organization dedicated to providing the most reliable, complete, and up-to-date information about breast cancer. The site is also available in Spanish.

CDC on Women's Health - Links to a number of articles on women's health issues from the US Centers for Disease Control.

FDA Consumer Information for Women - Useful information on women's health topics as well as news about product recalls, safety warnings, and other FDA activities.

4CollegeWomen - A site dealing with women's health, with a focus especially on health issues facing college-age women. The site is especially strong on information about the following concerns: General Health and Prevention; Tobacco, Alcohol, and Substance Abuse; Reproductive Health; Emotional and Mental Health; Diseases and Conditions; and Safety and Violence-Related Issues. - Helps girls (ages 10 to 16) learn about health, growing up, and issues they may face. promotes healthy and positive behaviors in girls, giving them reliable and useful health information in a fun, easy-to-understand way. The website also provides information to parents and educators to help them teach girls about healthy living.
HealthyWomen - Information on women's health topics and news clips about discoveries in women's health are featured in this web site from the National Women's Health Resource Center.
Medline Plus-Women's Health  - MedlinePlus brings together authoritative information from NLM, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and other government agencies and health-related organizations.

National Cancer Institute:Breast Cancer - Includes comprehensive information about the disease including diagnosis, treatment options, clinical trials, and emotional issues. CancerNet, a bibliographic database, provides summaries on cancer treatments, screening, prevention, and supportive care. Much of this site can be viewed in either English or Spanish. - The National Women's Health Information Center from the US Department of Health and Human Services offers information on hundreds of topics relevant to women and their health and wellbeing.

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