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Nutritional Sciences/Evidence Based Nutrition

This guide contains resources for students in nutrition and/or dietetics. The content consists of library licensed resources and web resources that were screened for authority.

Tools and Calculators

Assessing Your Weight Adult Body Mass Index from the Centers for Disease Control

This site gives an overview of Body Mass Index (BMI), a calculator and charts to determine the numbers for healthy weight in adults.

Dietary Supplement Ingredient Database (DSID)

The Dietary Supplement Ingredient Database (DSID) provides estimated levels of ingredients in dietary supplement products sold in the U.S. The DSID is intended primarily for research applications. DSID has been developed by the Nutrient Data Laboratory within the Agricultural Research Service, in collaboration with the Office of Dietary Supplements at NIH and other federal agencies.

Evidence Analysis Library

This resource is produced by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. This resource is for members of the Academy only a portion of the data is available for non-subscribers.

FitWatch Nutrition Tools and Calculators

This site contains a suite of calculators that include; a Nutrition Profile, a Vitamins and Minerals calculator, a Calorie Calculator and Food Journal and also a Recipe Analyzer.

Nutrient Depletion Checker

This tool comes from the Natural Medicines database.

All-Purpose Four-Fold Table Analyzer CEBM (Centre for Evidence Based Medicine)

Allows users to perform sets of calculations based upon domain, e.g. therapy, diagnosis, harm, etiology. Shockwave plug-in is required to use the calculator; users are presented with the opportunity to download it.

Bayesian Analysis Model (MEDCalc)

Calculates information (e.g. predictive value, likelihood ratio) about diagnostic tests. )

Critical Appraisal of the Evidence – Stats Calculator (Center for Evidence-Based Medicine/CEBM)

Useful for calculating statistics given in articles dealing with Diagnostic Tests (sensitivity/specificity/PPV/NPV/LR+/LR-), Prospective Studies (RR, ARR, NNT), Case Control Studies (OR), and Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) (RRR, ARR, NNT).

Diagnostic Test Calculator (Alan Schwartz, University of Illinois at Chicago, Department of Medical Education)

A variety of calculator modes are presented that allow users to calculate disease prevalence, test sensitivity/specificity, or positive and negative Likelihood Ratios. 2 x 2 tables and a nomogram are available for use.

The EBM Toolbox (Oxford – Center for Evidence-Based Medicine)

An assortment of materials useful for evidence-based medicine practitioners, including various calculators and examples.

Levels of Evidence and Grades of Recommendation (Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine)

Contains table with levels of evidence, organized by domain. This is a 2011 version – CEBM suggests that you read the text before using the table.

Evidence-Based Medicine Toolkit (University of Alberta)

This is a collection of tools for identifying, assessing and applying relevant evidence for better health care decision-making. The appraisal tools are adapted from the Users' Guides series prepared by the Evidence Based Medicine Working Group and originally published in JAMA.

Likelihood Ratios (Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine)

How to calculate likelihood ratios.

Likelihood Ratios (University of North Carolina, Department of Internal Medicine)

A resource for information about and calculators of likelihood ratios.

NNT (Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine) 

How to calculate number needed to treat.

Pre-Test Probability (Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine)

How to calculate pre-test probability.

Power and Size Calculator (Vanderbilt Medical Center)

PS is an interactive program for performing power and sample size calculations. The program runs on the Microsoft Windows operating systems (Windows 95 and later). It can be used for studies with dichotomous, continuous, or survival response measures.

Risk Reduction Calculator (Alan Schwartz, University of Illinois at Chicago, Department of Medical Education)

Calculate event rates and good/bad outcomes of new therapies.

SpPins and SnNouts (Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine)

Understanding sensitivity and specificity and other concepts related to SpPins and SnNouts.