Art Full TextBibliographic database that indexes articles (and reproductions) from art periodicals published throughout the world. Includes English-language, French, Italian, German, Japanese, Spanish, Dutch, and Swedish periodicals.
How to Use the Art Full Text database:
To get started:
1) You will be taken to Wilson Web's Advanced Search Screen. In the bottom right-hand corner is a box marked "Subject Area". In this box, highlight Art (ART).
2) Perhaps the simplest way to get started is to search by keyword(s). Enter keywords that describe your topic- these keywords are your search terms, for example, "Picasso and African art." Keep in mind that too many search terms may produce few or no results, while too few search terms may produce too many results. You may have to try a range of search terms before finding those that work best for you.
3) If you are in immediate need of articles available online in full text, you can check the box marked "Limit to: Full Text Articles". For more comprehensive results, don't check any of the delimiter boxes. If an article is not available in full text, it is easy to request the article through Rutgers Article Delivery Service or interlibrary loan. See below for more details.
4) Search Results are returned in the following format:
Author. Article Title. Volume, issue. (Date) pages
5) Click on the hyperlinked article title to view the abstract.
6) If full text is available, there will be an icon to view/print the article in PDF or HTML format.
7) Clicking on "Search for Article" begins a search in IRIS, the catalog of the Rutgers University Libraries, for the Periodical Title listed in the citation. This will take you to a Rutgers University Libraries page that lists search criteria and lists links to full text electronic access for the journal or article, if it is available.
8) To check for print holdings, click on "Search the Library's Catalog by ISSN." A full record for the source, including electronic and print holdings, will appear.
9) If the article is not available electronically but Rutgers holds it in print you may request free electronic delivery of the article through Rutgers Article Delivery Services. If "Sorry, no holdings were found for this journal" appears, you may wish to consider ordering an interlibrary loan for the resource.
10) To send yourself citations from Art Full Text, place a check in the box to the left of the article list. Then, on the top menu bar, click "Print, Email, Save". On the next screen there will be a tabbed bar with the options "Print, Email, Save, Exporting" Click on the tab marked "Email" Enter your email address, fill in the subject line, click email and the citations and full text (if available) will be sent to you.
I'm here to answer your questions. Please feel free to contact me, Sara Harrington, Art Librarian, at or 732/932-7739