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Researching Supply Chains

Guide to approaches and secondary resources for researching supply chains

Man-made Disasters

The Chartered Institute of Purchasing & Supply publishes a quarterly report: CIPS Risk Index covering seven regions of the world. Also available is a 20-year Global Retrospective of the CIPS Risk Index.

Take a look at news items and other material about supply chain security and sustainability released by SensiGuard, part of Sensitech (formerly FreightWatch International).

The U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board investigates industrial chemical accidents.

The Center for Chemical Process Safety of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers maintains the Process Safety Incident Database of industrial fires, explosions, fatality, multiple injuries, significant release of hazardous materials, and other unique process safety incidents (including near misses).  Must be registered to use database.

There is also FACTS, an international chemical accident database, with different levels of (free and fee-based) access to the data.

SwissRe publishes an annual report on Natural Catastrophes and Man-made Disasters as well as other substantive reports about the insurance industry.

The company also provides Sigma Explorer, a visualization tool for 40 years of historical data related to man-made disasters and natural catastrophes.

Research Centers

Supply Chain Disruption Research Laboratory (SCDrl) at the Rutgers Business School.

Wharton Risk Management and Decision Processes Center at the University of Pennsylvania.