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Health Statistics

Primary statistics sources

Producers of health statistics may be grouped into three broad categories; government agencies, professional/nonprofit associations, and research institutes.

 1. Government Agencies

These groups collect analyze and distribute vital statistics as well as data on the morbidity and mortality from notifiable or reportable diseases. Under legal mandate, the states collect the data from municipalities or counties and forward it to the National Center for Health Statistics and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The NCHS and CDC then forward the data to the National Institutes and other DHHS agencies to support their programs.


  • National Institutes of Health: Institutes, Centers and Offices.  The first page is set up as a search interface although finding statistics this way can be a challenge.  Consider clicking on the “Institutes at NIH” tab and then selecting the most appropriate agency.  On the institute or center page, statistics may be a separate tab or within the sections for health professionals or education.

o   Municipality-level data is offered for births (1997-2005) and deaths (1999-2003) including cause. Any further municipal level data is available only by phone request to the appropriate state office.  The Center also makes available a request form for health data.

2. Professional/Nonprofit Associations

Look for links to statistics, scientific sources, or information for researchers or information for health professionals.



 Disease related


3. Research Institutes and Foundations

Some foundations collect statistics or conduct their own analyses to support their mission. Other institutes investigate public policy issues or conduct research under contract and then distribute the results. If your area of interest coincides with the work of the foundation or institute, you may find relevant data. Try a site search on your subject.

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